How Dividing Perennials Benefits Your Garden

shiplap and shells

Did you know that splitting perennial plants in your garden keeps them healthy and can save you money too?

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Dividing perennial plants is a great way to maintain a healthy garden while getting free plants to fill empty bald spots in your garden areas.

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Splitting plants provides more space for the roots of your plants to grow and absorb nutrients and water but also manages the plant’s size.


When splitting your plants annually, you can inspect and remove any damaged or diseased roots, promoting overall health.

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There’s no better way to grow free plants in your garden that to divide your perennials. I can usually get four smaller plants from an original perennial.

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Replant the new plant sections in other areas in your garden. You can also give them to new homes by offering them to friends and neighbors.

Yellow Leaf

Dividing perennials will give you healthier plants, increased garden space, and leave more money in your wallet.

The Benefits to Dividing Perennial Plants

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Learn How and When to Divide Your Perennials

To find out more about how and when to divide your perennials, visit the blog post. Just click below.

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