Growing Snapdragons: Beginning Gardening Guide

Shiplap and Shells

Unveiling the Charm of Snapdragons Known for their unique flower shape and variety of colors, these charming flowers can range from dwarf varieties to towering blooms.

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Picking the Perfect Snapdragon Choose varieties based on height, color, and blooming season to fit your garden design.

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When to Plant Snapdragons For early spring blooms, start snapdragon seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost.

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Soil and Sunlight for Healthy Growth Snapdragons thrive in rich, well-draining soil and require full sun to partial shade.

Planting Your Snapdragon Seed Plant snapdragon seeds on the soil's surface, as they need light to germinate. Space plants about 6-12 inches apart

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Watering Snapdragons Correctly Snapdragons prefer regular watering, especially during dry spells, to maintain their vibrant blooms.

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Feeding Your Snapdragons Feed snapdragons with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season.

Guarding Against Pests and Diseases Maintain healthy plants and good air circulation to prevent most diseases.

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Pruning for More Blooms Cutting back snapdragons after their first bloom can also promote a second bloom period in the fall.

Snapdragons look beautiful in your garden and also make excellent cut flowers for bouquets. For more tips about growing strawflowers and cut flowers, visit the blog.

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