Growing Sweet Peas: Beginning Gardening Guide

Shiplap and Shells

Sweet peas, known for their delightful fragrance, vibrant colors, and adding vertical interest to your garden, are a favorite among gardeners. 

Shiplap and Shells

Soil and Sunlight Requirements Sweet peas flourish in rich, well-drained soil and require full sun to partial shade..

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Supporting and Training Your Sweet Peas Use trellises, nets, or stakes and gently tie the plants as they grow to encourage vertical growth.

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Shiplap and Shells

Watering and Fertilizing Water sweet peas regularly to maintain moist soil, especially as they start to flower. Use a low-nitrogen, high-potash fertilizer

Supporting and Training Your Sweet Peas Use trellises, nets, or stakes and gently tie the plants as they grow to encourage vertical growth.

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Protecting Sweet Peas from Pests and Diseases Good air circulation, proper spacing, and regular watering can help prevent most problems.

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Shiplap and Shells

Pruning for Prolific Blooms Regular deadheading of spent flowers encourages more blooms and extends the flowering period.

Harvesting Sweet Pea Flowers Cut the stems early in the morning when the flowers are just opening for longer-lasting bouquets.

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Shiplap and Shells

Sweet peas not only bring beauty and fragrance to your garden but also make charming cut flowers for indoor enjoyment.

  For more tips about growing sweet peas and cut flowers, visit the blog.

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