How to Plan Your Perfect Cut Flower Garden 

Shiplap and Shells

Enjoying the beauty of a garden in full bloom is as easy as growing your own cut flowers.  However, a successful garden requires careful planning and execution.

Shiplap and Shells

When planning a garden bed, choose plants that require similar amounts of light, with some variety for interest.

Shiplap and Shells

Evaluate your garden beds for sunlight availability.  Most cut flowers need at least 6 hours of sun a day.

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Shiplap and Shells

Avoid overcrowding, which can cause competition among plants for resources like water and nutrients.

Choose an area with well-drained and healthy soil that is free from any large root systems.

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Perform a soil test before planting your seedlings to find out what amendments should be added to your garden beds.

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Shiplap and Shells

Calculating the garden space you have to work with is important in deciding how many flower seed varieties you can grow.

Consider the number and type of plants when estimating how much room they will take up.  Each seed should have at least 6-8 inches of space surrounding it.

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Shiplap and Shells

Group flowers with similar water and sunlight requirements together to provide the right conditions for each group without over or under-watering or shading.

Follow the proper steps and a thorough planning process when creating a cut flower garden, For more tips on growing a cut flower garden, visit the blog.

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