5 Reasons You Should Divide Dahlia Tubers

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Dahlias are perennial plants that grow from tuberous roots and are easily propagated by digging them up and dividing the tubers.

Dahlias are such gorgeous cut flowers. Read on to see the benefits to dividing your dahlia tubers regularly.



Dividing dahlia tubers can help keep the plant healthy. As tubers age, they can become diseased or infected with pests.

Plant Health

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Improved Growth

Dividing dahlia tubers can also help to improve plant growth. When tubers are left undivided for too long, they can become crowded, resulting in stunted growth and reduced flowering.

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Dividing dahlia tubers is an easy way to propagate new plants. Each tuber section can be planted separately to produce a new plant.


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Size Control

 If you have a large dahlia plant that is taking up too much space in your garden, you can divide the tubers to create smaller plants.


Dividing dahlia tubers can help to renew older plants. As dahlia plants age, they can become less productive and less vigorous.


To see more about how and when to divide your dahlia tubers, visit the blog for much more information.

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