9 Ways to Prepare in Advance For the Christmas Season


Want to be ahead of the game for next Christmas? Getting ready for the holiday season is a year-round effort that can make all the difference in creating a memorable and stress-free Christmas.

DEBRIEF AFTER THE HOLIDAYS: Once the Christmas festivities are over, take the time to reflect and create a list of what worked well and what didn’t. 


BE SMART WHEN PACKING AND ORGANIZING: When packing up your Christmas decorations, store similar items together and clearly label storage bins and boxes.


TOSS, DONATE, UPCYCLE: As you pack up your decorations this year, don’t keep hanging onto those items that you haven’t used in over a year or that look tired and worn.


CHOOSE A CHRISTMAS THEME: Choosing a Christmas theme now can help you find great deals on ornaments, wreaths, gift wrap, ribbons, and more.


MAKE A MASTER PREPARATION CHECKLIST: Create a list that covers everything you need to organize and plan next year's  Christmas season.


COLLECT BOXES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: Be prepared for next Christmas with boxes in the size and shape you need, right when you need them.


WRAP YOUR GIFTS AS YOU BUY THEM: Stock  up on your gift-wrapping supplies and wrap each gift as you purchase it throughout the year.


GET DEALS ON CHRISTMAS DECOR AND GIFTS: Retailers need to offload their Christmas inventories as quickly as possible so  stock up on winter decorations, Christmas cards, and gift-wrapping supplies


WORK ON CHRISTMAS DIY PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: If you’ve come across an inspiring holiday project that you’d like to create for Christmas next year, why wait? Do it now.


For even more ideas on how to prepare for Christmas in advance, visit the Shiplap and Shells blog .

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