Caring for Zinnias in a Cut Flower Garden

Shiplap and Shells

Have you dreamed of growing a cut garden full of beautiful zinnia flowers? Here are tips on caring for zinnias flowers throughout the season.

Shiplap and Shells

Support Plants Early Once planted in the ground, zinnias grow quickly, so be sure to stake them early while they are still young.

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Water Zinnias Regularly Regularly water zinnias in the garden by setting up soaker hoses and drip irrigation in the garden beds.

Shiplap and Shells

Shiplap and Shells

Pinch Zinnia Plants To get the longest stems possible,  pinch zinnias when they’re young seedlings..

Once the zinnia plants are 12 inches tall and have at least three sets of leaves on each stalk, snip 3-4 inches off the top, 

Shiplap and Shells

Benefits of Pinching – Encourages the plant to branch from the base – Promotes higher flower production – Produces longer stems

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Shiplap and Shells

Harvest Zinnias for More Blooms Zinnias should be cut when fully seasoned or mature.

Deadhead Spent Flower Heads Be sure to deadhead spent flower heads to help focus the plant’s energy on producing new flowers without going to seed.

Shiplap and Shells

For more tips on caring for zinnias in a cut flower garden, visit the blog.

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