Growing Early Spring Flowers in Your Garden

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Spring garden

There’s no better way to celebrate the new season than to enjoy the earliest spring blossoms in the garden.

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With their vibrant petals and wide range of colors, tulips can transform any garden space into a bright and colorful paradise.

Cheery daffodils are one of the most popular spring flowers with their trumpet shaped centers and yellow petals.


Rhododendrons have the most stunning spring flowers from bright pinks and purples, to whites and yellows. Their sizes range from shrubs to towering trees.


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With their funnel-shaped flowers in a variety of colors, including pink, yellow, white, and purple, azaleas give the most stunning burst of color to any spring garden.

Pansies and violas are great flowers for containers and garden borders in your early spring garden.

Pansies & Violas

These low-growing perennials come in a range of bright colors and have a yellow center. Add a pop of color to your containers or flower beds.


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Hellebores ( Lenten Roses)

Hellebores are a hardy perennial that blooms in the late winter through early spring depending on your hardiness zone.

Hyacinths are a pretty spring-blooming bulb with bell-shaped flowers and vibrant colors. They also have the sweetest scent.


There are so many beautiful early spring flower options that will add color and life to your early spring garden.

Visit the blog to see my early spring garden tour and learn more about what’s blooming in my cottage garden.

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