Simple Strategies for Keeping Tall Flowers Thriving

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I’ll show you 5 methods to support garden flowers to keep them from falling over and looking lovely.

If you grow tall and bulky flowers in your garden, it’s crucial to provide both strength and support from heavy rain, winds, and the weight of their blooms.

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A plant stake is the most common method to support your garden plants. You can use wooden, metal, bamboo and plastic stakes.

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Building a corral around an entire bed of tall and bulky plants like dahlias or cosmos is an easy way to support them.


Use a plastic or mesh netting with 6-inch squares for plants that produce a large amount of branching stems such as snapdragons or zinnias.


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Support active and fast-growing climber plants such as sweet peas and clematis with a strong trellis or something similar..

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Grow-Through Supports

Tomato and wire cages or grids are a great source of support for heavy-headed blooming flowers such as peonies.

Your stems will grow longer and straighter when supporting your plants, making them the perfect cut flowers.

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