Snapdragon Indoor Seed Starting Cut Flower Guide 


Snapdragons are stunning cut flowers that are perfect for beginner gardeners. Here are simple steps for sowing snapdragon seeds indoors.

Choose a Clean Plant Container With Drainage Holes.  If you’re reusing old plastic containers or trays, wash them thoroughly.


Fill Containers with Moistened Seed Starter Mix Tap firmly against the table or shelf to ensure the soil settles and prevent air pockets in the containers.


Label the  container with the name of the variety of plants and the date planted.


Because the seeds are so small, use a slightly damp toothpick and pick up 2 seeds, placing them into the seed tray cell. Sprinkle a light layer of seed starting soil or vermiculite to lightly cover the top.


Bottom Water Your Seed Containers Set the container in a drainage tray with an inch of water in the bottom if needed. Do not  let the container sit in the water for more than an hour.


Place the container on a heated mat or in a warm corner of your house, and cover it with a clear plastic dome. This will help speed up the seed-starting germination process.


Keep your seed starts in a light and bright space, such as a greenhouse or sunroom. If you don’t have that option, keep the seedlings under a grow light.


If you plan on growing a cut flower garden, snapdragons will be one of your favorite flowers. For more tips on sowing seeds indoors, visit the blog.

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