Your Guide to Dividing


Perennial Plants

While we love that perennial plants come back year after year, they can become overcrowded and overgrown with time. Dividing perennial plants is a great way to rejuvenate them and keep them healthy!

The best time to divide perennial plants is in the spring or fall, when they are not actively growing.  Spring is the best time to divide plants that bloom in the spring or summer, while fall is the best time to divide plants that bloom in the fall or winter.

Water the plants well the day before you plan to divide them.


To divide perennial plants, you will need a sharp spade or garden fork, a bucket, and some compost or potting soil.

Dig around the plant with a spade or garden fork, being careful not to damage the roots.


Once you have dug around the plant, lift it out of the ground.


Shake off the excess soil from the roots.


Use your hands or a sharp knife to divide the plant into smaller sections, each with at least 3-4 healthy roots.


 Plant the divided sections in a bucket or pot filled with compost or potting soil.


Water the divided sections well and place them in a shady spot.


– Be sure to wear gloves when dividing perennial plants, as the roots can be sharp. – Water the divided sections well after planting and keep them moist until they are established. – Fertilize the divided sections lightly in the spring to help them get off to a good start.

bonus tips

Dividing perennials in your garden will keep your plants healthy by removing the dead center of an overgrown plant, preventing overcrowding, and keeping your garden clean and tidy!

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