Seven tips for a  When Transitioning to Fall

Fabulous Flower Garden

Looking for ways to keep your garden vibrant and full of life now that summer has come to an end? I’ll share 7 tips for a fabulous flower garden that never skips a beat when transitioning to fall.

There are so many options when it comes to fall-blooming perennials, including my favorites, Sedum Autumn Joy and Black-Eyed Susans.

Replace Spent Summer Flowers

Another great way to fill the spaces left in the garden is to mix cool-season annuals that will continue to bloom during the fall season.

Fill In With Fall Annuals

Add Ornamental Plants to Containers

I find that when the flower garden is lacking color and interest, flowerpots and containers will brighten things up quickly.

Elevate your garden this fall by creating areas of interest. Cornhusks are always fun to tie to arbors and posts, surrounded by pumpkins.

Create Areas of Interest

Revamp your porch by planting fall annuals and ornamental plants like cabbage and kale. Add an autumn wreath or swag for the door, and a couple of cornhusks.

Update Your Porch for Fall

Any new plants need plenty of water until their roots are established. Until the ground freezes, existing plants also need regular water if there isn’t enough rain in the forecast.

Don't Stop Watering

Maintaining your fall garden not only helps to keep everything neat and tidy and looking beautiful but preparing your garden for the winter season is crucial.

Maintain Through the Autumn Months

I hope some of these tips will come in handy when you transition to your fall garden!

gardening tips & tricks

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