7 Tips For a Fabulous Flower Garden When Transitioning to Fall

Looking for ways to keep your garden vibrant and full of life now that summer has come to an end? I’ll share 7 tips for a fabulous flower garden that never skips a beat when transitioning to fall.

I will admit that it’s always hard for me this time of year when we transition the garden from summer to fall.

The flower garden has been beautiful and so full of life through the summer months. All the work that was put in last fall and spring certainly paid off. Summer was such a special time to enjoy and appreciate the results.

Transition garden to fall greenhouse and fall plants and flowers

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zinnias and cosmos in cutting garden

And now it seems to be slowly slipping away…

But it doesn’t have to. That’s the beauty of a flower garden. Each season takes on a new life and fall is the beginning of another chapter.

Transition garden to fall  with asters and sedum autumn joy

There are so many options when it comes to fall-blooming perennials, including my favorites, Sedum Autumn Joy and Black-Eyed Susans.

To choose the best plants for your location, make sure you know what your hardiness zone is.

Transition garden to fall  with petunias and marigolds in planter

Another great way to fill the spaces left in the garden is to mix cool-season annuals that will continue to bloom during the fall season with perennials.

strawflowers in cut flower garden

Early in the year when I’m planning what to grow in my cut flower garden, I try to pick annuals that will bloom until the first frost, or close to it.

This year I grew cosmos, strawflower, and globe amaranth to keep some interest in the cutting garden at least through October.

Note: My garden is in hardiness zone 8b.

Transition garden to fall with ornamental cabbage and mums

Replace spent summer flowers with fall flowers and ornamental kale or cabbage.

I find that when the flower garden is lacking color and interest, flowerpots and containers will brighten things up quickly.

Transition garden to fall with galvanized containers of fall annuals and pumpkins

Adding a pumpkin or two to a fall container will create some pizazz to your autumn garden, adding both color and texture.

Transition garden to fall  with greenhouse and fall decor

Elevate your garden this fall by creating areas of interest. Cornhusks are always fun to tie to arbors and posts, surrounded by pumpkins.

pumpkins and fall annuals on green vintage chair

Seating areas, vintage bikes, birdhouses and are all eye-catching details that make a difference in an autumn garden.

greenhouse decorated for fall

Sadly, we don’t have much of a porch at the front door.

Not to worry. My greenhouse porch is a great substitute, don’t you think?

Revamp your porch by planting fall annuals and ornamental plants like cabbage and kale. Add bales of straw or hay, pumpkins, an autumn wreath or swag for the door, and a couple of cornhusks.

sedum autumn joy

The heat of the summer is over, but your garden still needs water. Any new plants need plenty of water until their roots are established. Until the ground freezes, existing plants also need regular water if there isn’t enough rain in the forecast.

Transition garden to fall  with fall annuals and perennials

Maintaining your fall garden not only helps to keep everything neat and looking beautiful but preparing your garden for the winter season is crucial. Check out my Fall Task List.

Globe Amaranth in cut flower garden

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may find these gardening tips useful.

Until next time,

Happy Gardening!

I’m a self-taught hobby gardener. Everything I share on my blog is my opinion and what has worked for me.

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7 gardening tips for transitioning to fall

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