
How to Grow and Care for Your Spring Bulb Flowers

Don’t you love how spring-flowering bulbs bring color and life back to the garden after a cold winter season? This guide will take you through the essential steps to grow and care for your spring bulb flowers, rewarding you with a gorgeous growing season.

From choosing the right bulbs to planting techniques and maintenance tips, you’ll learn the tips to help you bring a burst of color and beauty to your early spring garden.

Follow along for information about how to grow flowers from spring bulbs including planting, caring for them after they bloom, and how to store your bulbs if needed.

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I’m a self-taught hobby gardener, not a Master Gardener. Everything I share with you on my blog is my personal opinion and things that have worked for me.

First of all, when gardeners are discussing “bulbs”, the term refers to true bulbs but can also include plants with tubers, rhizomes, corms, and tuberous roots.

Flower bulbs are a plant’s storage unit, containing all the energy and nutrients needed to sprout and bloom. They’re usually more resilient to variations in weather and soil conditions.

Many different types of bulbs perennialize, which means they return to your flower garden year after year with little maintenance.

This is why flower bulbs are so amazing for not only the seasoned gardener but those beginning gardeners as well. They’re so easy!

The spring bulb planting process is simple and brings an early burst of color to your garden with less waiting time and effort compared to growing flowers from seeds or seedlings.

Seeds may need to be started indoors and take a longer period to germinate and flower. However, bulbs are planted directly in the ground or containers and require minimal initial care.

There’s nothing more exciting to a gardener than when the first hints of green start peeking through the soil. Our gardens are slowly waking up and getting ready for spring.

I can’t tell you how much fun it is to watch as these hardy bulbs, that have spent the winter underground, finally pop up and add splashes of color to the flower beds and containers. It makes me so happy to be a gardener!

Let’s take a look at some of the most common spring bloomers like tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, and alliums.

Let’s start with the spring blooming bulb that I grow the most of… tulips! I grow them in my raised beds inside the cut flower garden and throughout my cottage garden.

Tulip bulbs come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes and thrive in well-drained soil with full to partial sunlight.

The best time to plant tulip bulbs is in the fall. They should be planted about 6-8 inches deep to ensure a stunning show of flowers when spring finally comes.

Tulips are considered perennial plants, but some gardeners, like myself, treat many of the varieties as annuals because the blooms decrease in the following years.

Because tulips produce fewer flowers each season, I replant new bulbs for more consistent blooming.

Deer love eating tulip plants so be sure to take precautions. I use a deer repellent called Liquid Fence but there are other products available as well. You can also read more about steps to keep deer out of your garden in my blog post 21 Deer Resistant Plants for the Garden.

Here is a guide to when tulip varieties will bloom in your garden:

  • Early Bloomer: as early as March and will last a week or more
  • Mid-Season Bloomer: Usually in April and may last up to 2 weeks
  • Late Bloomer: Flower into May with some blooms lasting up to 3 weeks or longer

Daffodils, with their cheerful yellow blooms, are another stunning sign of spring’s arrival.

These spring bulbs are highly resilient and easy to grow and are well-suited to a range of climates and soil types. They do prefer well-drained soil and sunny to partially shaded sites though.

When planting daffodils in the autumn, place bulbs in the soil, at a depth of about 6 inches.

Daffodils are known for their ability to naturalize, which makes them spread and produce more blooms each year. My favorite thing about these specific spring bulbs is that they are deer and rodent-resistant.

Daffodil season begins in early March and runs to early May but you can see daffodils blooming as early as February.

The spring bulbs can bloom for 6-8 weeks under the right conditions.

Winter blooming hyacinths bring a sweet-smelling fragrance, as well as beauty to the garden beds, with tightly clustered flower spikes in shades of blue, pink, white, and purple.

Grape hyacinths belong to the same botanical family and require similar growing conditions as true hyacinths.

Hyacinths are easier to grow than other spring bulbs and are great for beginning gardeners to grow. They prefer locations with full sun and well-drained soil and should be planted in the fall about 4 inches deep.

Hyacinth bulbs tend to rot in heavy soils that hold a lot of moisture. If your soil is heavy, improve its drainage by mixing in compost, shredded pine bark, or aged manure.

The flowers start to open about 3 weeks after you start seeing the plant’s leaves. Each hyacinth bulb produces one flower stalk, standing 8-10 inches tall, and can last up to 4 weeks.

The blooms last longer than other spring bulbs and can be forced to bloom indoors in a pot or bulb vase.

Hyacinth Bulb Tip

If you live in a warmer climate, the bulbs need to be pre-chilled. Dig the bulbs out of the ground in the spring, once the foliage dies down. Store the bulbs in a cool and dry place in the summer and refrigerate the bulbs for a couple of months before replanting them in the fall.

Crocuses are one of the first signs of spring, often pushing through the last snow to bloom with their purple, yellow, or white flowers. The blooms can last from 3-5 weeks.

These smaller bulbs look best planted in clusters or drifts for a stunning floral display and should be placed in the soil at a planting depth of about 3-4 inches deep in well-drained soil under full or partial sun.

Crocus bulbs naturalize well, coming back year after year in greater numbers, and are perfect for rock gardens, lawns, or border fronts.

Crocus bulbs can thrive for up to 5 years when given proper care, good soil, and nutrients.

Alliums, or ornamental onions, look very different from the other spring-blooming bulbs I’ve been sharing. You will fall in love with their most unique spherical blooms atop tall stems, in shades of purple, blue, white, and pink.

The different varieties of alliums range from under 12 inches to 50 inches in height.

These larger bulbs require full sun and well-drained soil, with planting depths varying by bulb size but generally around 4-6 inches.

Alliums bloom in late spring into early summer, providing a beautiful bridge between spring and summer flowers. Their dramatic flower heads are a wonderful option for adding height and texture to borders and beds.

Their blooms will last from 2-4 weeks.

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‘Growing a Cut Flower Garden’ Series

If you’re a gardener, one of your favorite things to see is most likely the first blooms of spring, and it all starts with bulb planting in the fall.

With some preparation and simple steps, you can set the stage for a beautiful display that welcomes spring into your outdoor space.

The perfect time to plant your spring bulbs is in the fall, just as the air starts to cool down, but well before the ground freezes. The soil temperature should be about 60°F or cooler.

This timing allows the bulbs to settle in before winter, giving them a chance to start rooting. Then they’ll lie dormant over the colder months and be ready to grow as soon as spring starts warming things up.

Plan on planting your spring-blooming bulbs in early fall, late September through October. If you’re gardening in a milder climate, you can shoot for November, or late fall, to get those bulbs in the ground.

Spring-planted bulbs and tubers such as gladiolus and dahlias bloom in the summer.

The light requirements for most spring bulbs are full sun to partial shade, and the soil needs to have good drainage.

To help prevent bulb rot, be sure to avoid those areas where water tends to collect after it rains. A general rule of thumb is to plant bulbs in areas where the soil dries out rather than stays damp.

Space spring bulbs in the garden bed based on the size of the bulb. Large bulbs like daffodils and tulips should be planted 3-6 inches apart. Small bulbs such as crocus and snowdrops should be planted 1-2 inches apart.

Once you’ve chosen a sunny spot in the garden with good drainage, dig a planting hole about three times as deep as the height of the bulb.

Place the bulb in the hole with the pointy end up, and cover it with soil and a layer of mulch, patting it down to avoid air pockets.

If you’re planting spring bulbs together in a cluster, keep them about 4-6 inches apart so they have room to grow. Once they’re planted you can leave them over the winter.

If you need to protect the spring bulbs from squirrels or other critters and rodents in the garden, stake chicken wire over the garden beds or cover them with wire cages or cloches.

Yes, hydrating your newly planted spring bulbs right after planting is key. This initial watering will help settle the soil around the bulbs and provide the moisture they need to start rooting.

After that, you can ease up on the watering through the winter, especially since they’ll be getting plenty of moisture from rain and snow.

When spring arrives and you see those first shoots, start watering a bit more if the weather is dry, to help them along until they bloom.

Absolutely! Growing spring bulbs in containers is a wonderful way to brighten up patios, balconies, or any outdoor space.

It’s important to choose a container deep enough for your bulbs and ensure it has good drainage holes. Fill the container with potting mix and plant the bulbs at the same depth you would in the garden. Water them in, then place the container in a cool, dry spot over winter.

Once spring comes and the bulbs start to sprout, move the container to a sunny spot to enjoy the blooms.

In the life of the flowers in your garden, the care you give your spring bulbs after they bloom is just as important as the preparations you make before their buds open.

This phase is when your bulbs recharge and store food to prepare for the following year. The essentials of post-bloom care, from watering and deadheading to managing foliage are simple but crucial for ensuring your bulbs remain strong in your garden year after year.

Be sure to add organic matter such as compost to the soil after the blooms have bloomed. This will give them the nutrients they need for next year’s growth.

Keep up with watering your spring bulbs even when the flowers are starting to fade away. This is crucial for the bulbs that are gathering energy for next year’s bloom time.

For best results, provide a steady supply of water, especially if the spring season is drier than usual. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy.

This helps ensure that the bulbs remain healthy and are well-prepared to go dormant until the next growing season. Once the foliage has yellowed and died back, you can reduce watering as the bulbs enter dormancy.

Deadheading, or removing spent flowers, is a simple way to care for your spring bulbs after they bloom. This process prevents the bulbs from expending energy on seed production, encouraging them to store more energy for the next year’s flowers instead.

To deadhead, cut off the faded flowers at the stem below the flower head, being careful not to remove any bulb foliage since the leaves are still gathering sunlight to nourish the bulb below.

After the blooms have faded, it’s always tempting to tidy up the garden by cutting back the foliage of spring bulbs, but patience is key here.

The leaves are still hard at work, photosynthesizing and sending energy down to the bulb for next year’s growth. Wait until the leaves have turned yellow and withered before removing them.

You can gently tug on the leaves and if they come away easily, it’s safe to remove them. If they resist, leave them a bit longer. During this period, continue to water and even consider a light application of bulb fertilizer to support their growth and replenishment.

You can get more specific information and tips on my blog post The Perfect Time to Cut Back Spring Bulb Flowers and Foliage.

Storing bulbs correctly is an important step in a gardener’s year-round calendar, allowing them to rest and rejuvenate for next year.

I’ll share some tips on how to carefully dig up, store, and transplant your flower bulbs, as well as how to overwinter them to protect against cold weather.

Once the foliage of your bulbs has yellowed and died back, it’s a sign that they’re ready to be lifted from the ground, especially if you live in an area with wet winters or if you’re dealing with tender bulbs that don’t do well in cold.

Gently dig around the bulbs, being careful not to nick or cut them, and lift them from the soil. Brush off any excess dirt and let them dry for a few days in a cool, dry place.

Once dry, store the bulbs in mesh bags or paper bags filled with dry peat moss or vermiculite to keep them from touching and to ensure good air circulation. Keep them in a cool, dark place until it’s time to plant them again.

Transplanting flower bulbs allows you to refresh your garden layout, propagate your bulb collection, or remove bulbs from overcrowded conditions.

The best time to transplant is after the foliage has died back but you can still locate the bulbs easily. Carefully dig the spring-blooming bulbs up, keeping as much of the root intact as possible.

Before replanting, prepare the new site by loosening the soil and adding some compost for nutrients. Plant the bulbs at the same depth they were originally growing, and water them well to settle the soil around the roots.

Overwintering bulbs is essential to protecting tender varieties from cold damage or preparing hardy bulbs for their winter rest. For hardy bulbs that can stay in the ground, consider mulching the bed with a thick layer of straw or leaves to insulate them from extreme cold.

Tender bulbs, on the other hand, should be dug up and stored indoors. After cleaning and drying them, place the bulbs in a cool, dry area, like a garage or basement, that stays above freezing but below 60°F (15°C). This period of dormancy is crucial for their survival and for ensuring a healthy bloom cycle in the next growing season.

Absolutely! Many are perennial bulbs by nature, which means they’re created to bloom year after year. Bulbs like daffodils and hyacinths can continue to give you blooms with vibrant colors for multiple seasons.

However, their ability to rebloom can depend on a few factors:

  • the type of bulb
  • the growing conditions
  • how well they’re cared for after blooming

For best results, make sure your bulbs are planted in well-draining soil, receive enough sunlight, and are properly nourished and deadheaded after their bloom period.

Some bulbs, especially certain varieties of tulips, might not perform as vigorously in the following years. Others like daffodils tend to multiply each spring.

To keep your garden lively year after year, consider adding new bulbs each fall to the mix, ensuring a continuous display of spring flowers.

Daffodil bulbs are among the hardiest and most long-lived bulbs you can plant in your garden. With the right conditions, they can remain in the ground and bloom beautifully each spring for 5 years or more.

Daffodils thrive in well-drained soil and areas where they can get full to partial sunlight. One of the secrets to their longevity is their ability to naturalize, meaning they can spread and produce more bulbs over time.

Planting over bulbs is a great way to maximize garden space and enjoy a succession of blooms from spring through fall.

When choosing plants to grow over bulbs, look for ones with shallow roots that won’t disturb the bulbs below. Annuals, ground covers, or perennials that bloom later in the season are perfect companions.

Consider planting low-growing annuals like pansies or marigolds that will add color and interest to your garden after the bulb flowers have faded.

For a more permanent solution, ground covers such as creeping thyme or sedum work well, as they help to keep weeds at bay without competing heavily with the bulbs for nutrients. Just be sure to allow enough space for the bulb foliage to die back naturally, as this process helps the bulbs store energy for the next year’s bloom.

Your fall-planted bulbs will reward you with spring-blooming flowers in the garden when using these gardening tips.

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may find these gardening tips useful.

Until next time,

Happy Gardening!

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  1. Kim, when I lived back east, bulbs just kept growing every spring. But here in Phoenix, I think our bulbs last maybe two years. Like you, I need to plant more every year. I did take them out once, but I obviously didn’t store them well because they never bloomed the following year. And one year, someone ate all the bulbs. After buying and planting 50 large aliums, those too never grew at all. I will keep trying because I love how all the tulips and hyacinths bloom around Easter. I have great success with iris though. Thanks for all the great information and tips.

  2. Kim
    I love spring bulbs. Ours are blooming so early this year and I’ll be so disappointed because they will be gone before I’m ready for them. Thanks for sharing all these fabulous tips. I’m going to pass them along next week on DRA.

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