6 Reasons You Should Grow Strawflowers

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Strawflowers are the perfect cut flower in the garden and inside your home for so many reasons.


Strawflowers come in a variety of colors: warm tones of yellow, orange, and red as well as pink and white.

A Variety of Colors

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Low-Maintenance Flowers

Strawflower blooms have long-lasting color and need very little care or maintenance in the garden.

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Strawflowers have flower heads that make great additions to dried floral arrangements and potpourri.

Gorgeous Dried Flowers

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Everlasting Papery Blooms

Known for everlasting papery blooms that hold their color and shape indefinitely when dried.


Strawflowers can be used in floral bouquets either fresh or dried.

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Pollinators Love Strawflowers

Strawflowers are great attractors to pollinators like bees, and butterflies.

Strawflowers are such a unique  cut flower.  Visit my blog to see more about how to grow these stunning flowers and more.

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