Tips for a Low Maintenance Garden

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gardening tips

You can still have a gorgeous garden space with these tips and ideas for creating a low-maintenance garden.


Choosing plants that are mostly drought-resistant will definitely make it so you have to spend less time watering the garden and more time on other things you love.

Select Drought-Tolerant Plants

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Grow Evergreen Shrubs

Shrubs are not only low-maintenance but are perfect for providing interest in the garden throughout the year when other deciduous plants are leafless.

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Stay away from invasive, fast-spreading perennials in your garden. These plants are always hard to maintain.

Choose Non-Invasive Perennials

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Hardscape and Add Garden Decor

Hardscape elements can help to define any space. the garden..


Creating a container garden is a great way to benefit from a beautiful garden AND keep it low-maintenance. You’ll have fewer weeds and a chance of plants spreading to areas where they shouldn’t be.

Grow Container Gardens

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Avoid Planting Perennials That Attract Pests

Try to avoid plants that attract pests such as snails, slugs, aphids, deer, and rabbits.


Garden beds with organic matter like compost, leaves, or grass clippings can greatly reduce weed growth and minimize water needs.

Use Organic Matter

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Invest in a Watering System

Drip irrigation and soaker hoses are efficient ways to water garden beds.

By following these tips, you can have a beautiful garden with minimal effort. This will leave you with more time to enjoy your outdoor space.

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