Saltwater Sounds: Mid-Summer Magic in the Garden

Welcome to Saltwater Sounds, a collection of ideas, tips, and inspiration. Here, I share everything happening in the world of Shiplap and Shells, what’s to come, and the inspiration I’ve found from other bloggers around the web.

yellow sunflower in the cottage garden

This and That

Happy Sunday my friend! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, full of flowers and summer fun.

I’ve been back in the garden now that the temperatures are back in the eighties and much more comfortable! I’m happy to say that the garden did pretty well after several days in the nineties.

My hydrangea blooms got a bit wilted, but there was no permanent damage. I’ll be harvesting the rest of the sweet peas this week. They did not like the heat at all.

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lavender drying upside down

My friend has an incredible farm up the street from us. She grows rows of lavender plants in her garden and harvested the herbs to dry this past week.

Astrid's Lavender Farm

Yesterday, we went to the opening of Astrid’s Lavender Farm. It was a treat to see so many lavender plants in one place.

Astrid's Lavender Farm

They’re a full-time working farm open to the public from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Astrid's Lavender Farm

Astrid, the woman pictured above on the right, makes lavender wreaths. She has always dreamed of having a lavender farm, and now her dream has come true.

You can make your own lavender wreath or buy one that’s already made.

The grounds are beautiful, and there’s so much to see.

Astrid's Lavender Farm

The sweet purple building is where you can shop for lavender products.

I bought some lavender plants and had to try their lavender ice cream. It was great, by the way!

So, if you’re local, visit sweet Astrid and her amazing lavender!

“Gardening is the purest of human pleasures.” – Francis Bacon

zinnias, white petunias, and orange marigolds are growing in the garden

Around the Garden and Greenhouse

It’s no surprise that I love summer, mostly because of my garden and all the beautiful blooms that brighten up my outdoor spaces and in my cottage.

pastel zinnias growing in the garden

I shared all my zinnias last week, but I thought this particular bloom was worth showing again. The bees are so happy these days!

zinnias, purple Russian statice, an strawflowers in the cut flower garden
purple petunias in containers and birdbath on the patio garden

The colorful petunias fill the containers on the patio.

daisies and purple alliums growing in the cottage garden

Do you remember the perfect combination of Shasta daisies and alliums from last year’s summer garden? They’re back!

There are plenty of flowers that attract pollinators, but I’m sure the bees love the alliums best.

Shasta daisies in the garden
greenhouse with raised beds and sunflowers

And then there are the sunflowers. They brighten up the entire garden.

What are your favorite flowers growing in your garden right now?


Garden Supplies and Tools

Check out my favorite garden supplies and tools for the growing season. Whether you’re looking for potting soil or deer repellent, you’ll find what I use in my own garden.

My Gardening Tool and Product Favorites

From the Blog

cottage garden outdoor space overlooking the bay
daisies in the vintage galvanized bucket on the dining room table
apricot strawflowers growing in the garden

This week’s flower was an easy choice. The strawflowers growing in the July garden are gorgeous!

apricot strawflowers growing in the garden

I’ve been growing apricot strawflowers for years. They look amazing in any arrangement and are also gorgeous dried flowers.

white strawflowers growing in the cut flower garden

Why should you grow strawflowers in your cut flower garden? Here are a few reasons:

  • Long-Lasting Blooms
  • Low Maintenance
  • Attract Pollinators
  • Variety of Colors
  • Extended Blooming Season
  • Easy Propagation
  • Versatile Uses
scarlet strawflowers growing in the garden

This is the first year I’ve grown scarlet strawflowers. They’re stunning!

apricot strawflowers growing in the cut flower garden

Let me know if you have any questions about these cut flowers. Or learn all about starting strawflowers from seed, growing, and maintaining these beauties in my blog post.

cut flower garden

Q: How Do I Keep Pests Away from My Vegetables Naturally?

Here are some natural ways to keep pests away from a vegetable garden without resorting to chemical pesticides:

  • Companion Planting
  • Natural Predators such as ladybugs
  • Neem Oil
  • Soap and Water Spray
  • Crop Rotation
  • Hand-Picking
  • Essential Oils
  • Diatomaceous Earth

For a more specific and complete guide to natural pest control, visit my blog post, Natural and Organic Methods for Pest Control in the Garden.

purple hydrangeas

Coffee grounds are a great eco-friendly fertilizer that can benefit your garden in multiple ways. Rich in essential nutrients, coffee grounds can help improve soil health and support vigorous plant growth. Here’s how you can use coffee grounds effectively in your garden:

Nutrient-Rich Addition

Coffee grounds contain several key nutrients that plants need, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are important for healthy plant growth, promoting lush foliage, strong roots, and vibrant flowers. When added to the soil, coffee grounds gradually release these nutrients, providing a steady supply of nourishment for your plants.

Soil Improvement

Coffee grounds can improve soil structure and enhance soil aeration and drainage, making it easier for plant roots to access water and oxygen. They also help retain moisture in the soil, which is beneficial during dry periods.

Composting with Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds make a great addition to your compost pile, accelerating decomposition. When mixed with “brown” materials like leaves, straw, or paper, they help create a balanced compost that decomposes efficiently.

Pest Deterrent

Coffee grounds can be a natural deterrent for specific pests. Sprinkling coffee grounds around plants can help repel slugs and snails, which are deterred by the texture and caffeine content.

Acid-Loving Plants

Blueberries, hydrangeas, azaleas, and rhododendrons thrive in acidic soil. Coffee grounds can slightly acidify the soil, making them an ideal amendment for these acid-loving plants. It’s important to monitor soil pH levels to ensure they don’t become too acidic for other plants.

Application Tips

  • Direct Application: Sprinkle used coffee grounds directly onto the soil around your plants. Lightly work them into the top layer of soil to prevent them from forming a compacted layer that can hinder water penetration.
  • Compost Mix: Add coffee grounds to your compost pile, balancing them with an equal amount of “brown” materials to maintain the right composting conditions.
  • Liquid Fertilizer: Brew a weak “coffee tea” by steeping used coffee grounds in water for a few hours. Use this liquid to water your plants, giving them a gentle nutrient boost.

Let’s Plan Your Dream Garden With Our

Gardening Planner

Unlock Your Garden’s Potential.

My Favorite Inspiration Around the Web This Week

How yummy does this 3 cheese prosciutto peach pizza look?

Here are 36 amazing ideas for growing a vegetable garden in your backyard.

Check out these fast-growing herbs to use through summer and fall.

And while we’re on the subject of herbs, here are 10+ uses besides cooking.

Here are 5 healthy and tasty summer salads to beat the heat.

This is the cutest summer tablescape!

Try this DIY White Apple Decor project.

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and let me know what you’d like to see on the blog! Thank you for being here.

Until next time,

Wishing a wonderful week ahead,

Shop my Amazon Storefront, LTK sources, and favorite home decor, garden, and lifestyle products. When you purchase from one of my links, I earn a small commission, which helps me continue sharing all the content you expect on my blog.

Follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Do you like gardening? Join my Facebook Gardening Tips & Tricks group.

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  1. LOVE your new look, Kim! So clean and bright, and yes, the navigation is excellent! Love your beautiful garden and growing tips too. Thanks for all the great info and inspiration you always share. Happy Mid-Summer!

    1. Thank you Barbara! I’m so happy you like it. It seems so much easier to find specific categories now. Happy mid-summer to you too my friend. I hope things have cooled off a bit for you down there.

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