Stunning Spring Amaryllis Bulbs from Breck’s Gifts

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Breck’s Gifts.

Are you looking for something easy to grow indoors this spring that will produce the most stunning blooms? I have just the thing! Amaryllis bulbs from Breck’s Gifts make the perfect addition to your home or a special gift for any flower lover.

I was so excited when my box of amaryllis bulbs came from Breck’s Gifts. I had always heard how beautiful amaryllis was and especially how fun it was to watch them grow, but I’ve never tried growing them myself.

Did you think Amaryllis was only for Christmastime? It’s not. They make great spring gifts, too.

Marilyn amaryllis bulb from Breck's Gifts

Amaryllis are big bulbs that produce trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom indoors 6-10 weeks after planting.

Depending on the variety, amaryllis blooms can be single or double-flowering. And they make great gifts for gardeners of any skill.

My favorite part about growing amaryllis was watching their progress each week. It was so fun to follow each step of the growing process.

Amaryllis bulb from Breck's Gifts

I loved the fact that my amaryllis bulbs arrived already set in the soil and in decorative pots. How easy is that? I didn’t even have to plant the bulbs! I just added water and sunlight and watched the show!

Breck’s Gifts offers a variety of amaryllis bulbs each season, but here are the amazing amaryllis bulbs I grew this spring.

Marilyn amaryllis bulb from Breck's Gifts

Marilyn Amaryllis Duo in Woven Pot

The Marilyn Amaryllis has big, frosty white double blooms highlighted with cool chartreuse. A pair of bulbs were planted in a natural woven planter.

These amaryllis bulbs bloomed 45 days after I received them in the mail.

Gervase Amaryllis in Scalloped Green Pot

Intricate veining highlights each vibrant pink, tapered Gervase petal, adding dimension and texture to these huge, trumpet-shaped flowers. Once the blooms are finished for the season, the pistachio green, metal planter with cute flower cutouts and scalloped top can be repurposed.

The Gervase amaryllis bloomed in 66 days.

Amaryllis bulbs growing in the window

I grew my amaryllis bulbs near a well-lit window (east or west exposure is recommended) and away from direct heat sources. The best temperatures are 65-70° F.

Rotating the bulb container a couple of times a week helped to prevent the plants from leaning as they started to grow. Once the bulbs began blooming, I staked them to keep them upright.

When I got my bulbs, I watered them moderately with lukewarm water. Before the buds appeared, I watered sparingly, keeping the soil slightly moist.

After the buds and leaves appeared, I gradually watered more, about a few times a week. It’s important not to water too much; you don’t want the soil to be soggy.

Day 10  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 10

Did you know that Breck’s Amaryllis Loversâ„¢ gifts can grow up to an inch a day?

Day 21  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 21
Day 21  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 21
Day 33  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 33
Day 36  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 36
Day 40  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 40
Day 40  growing amaryllis bulbs
Day 40
The Marilyn and Gervase amaryllis bulbs

The Marilyn amaryllis bloomed 45 days after I received it. The Gervase Amaryllis was lagging behind, taking another 21 days to bloom.

Marilyn amaryllis bulb from Breck's blooming
Here's the Gervase amaryllis at day 65!

Here’s the Gervase amaryllis at day 65! I have a good feeling about this…

Here's the Gervase amaryllis at day 65!

And here she is in full bloom! Isn’t it just gorgeous?

Amaryllis bulbs are exhausted after they’ve finished blooming. The poor things need some rest after so much work!

I cut the flowering stalk off about an inch or so above the bulb and discarded it, leaving the foliage intact. As the leaves wither, they will provide food for the bulb, which will be stored for next year’s blooming.

I’m going to repot my amaryllis in a planter with drainage holes. It’s important not to remove the potting soil from the bulb. The amaryllis needs to be watered when the soil dries, and a water-soluble fertilizer should be provided once a month.

Since the threat of frost has already passed here in my gardening zone 8B, I can move my amaryllis to a semi-shaded area outdoors, either on my deck or planted in the garden. I’ll continue to water and fertilize through the summer.

In late summer, discontinue fertilizing and reduce watering, allowing the foliage to wither. Before the first hard frost in the fall, move the amaryllis back indoors and cut off the dried foliage above the neck of the bulb.

Store the bulb in a cool, darkened area lasting 6-8 weeks. Repot the bulb and move the potted bulb into a warm, well-lit area. Resume watering once growth begins. The bulb will start blooming again in 4-5 weeks.

What do you think? They’re pretty spectacular, aren’t they? You can see for yourself by visiting Breck’s Gifts.

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Breck’s Bulbs.

All opinions are my own.

For more information, please read my full disclosure here.

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    1. I’m so glad you like them, Heidi! They were so much fun to watch as they grew. I actually became obsessed with the entire process.

  1. Kim, I had no idea amaryllis could grow in the spring. I always get them for Christmas and they do last a few months after (multiple blooming times), but I had no idea. That Marilyn duo is quite the stunner. Thanks for sharing. I learned something today!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! My grandma always gave my mom these and now she always gets them in honor of her every year. I will pass this along to her!

  3. Your amaryllis bulbs are beautiful! I love those white ones. They look so pretty indoors don’t they? I really enjoyed growing amaryllis this year too. xoxo

    1. It was so fun to finally grow some this year Stacy! I really enjoyed watching them as they grew. Jeff and I would place bets on when they would finally bloom!

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