Create a Healthy Garden with Flower Companion Planting

Are you ready to take your garden to the next level with the beauty and benefits of flower companion planting? Companion planting is a great way to improve your garden’s overall health and vibrancy while creating a pretty outdoor gardening space.

It took me years to discover that companion planting was a natural way to attract beneficial insects and repel pests in my garden. All it took was growing certain plants next to each other. The best part was that this gardening method was easy and impacted my garden’s health.

In this blog post, I share the basics of flower companion planting, how it can improve your garden’s ecosystem, and some of the best flower pairings to get you started.

flower companion planting: cottage garden with coneflowers and blazing star

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daisies and gladiolus growing in the garden

By selecting the right flower companions, you can create a balanced and thriving garden setting that supports the growth of all your plants.

Flower companion planting is a strategic gardening technique that involves growing different flowers near one another to enhance their growth, improve soil health, and create a balanced ecosystem.

This method uses plants’ natural properties to support each other, resulting in a more productive and beautiful garden.

It’s important to select mutually beneficial plants. This practice can involve different strategies, such as pairing flowers that attract beneficial insects with those that repel pests or combining plants with similar nutrient needs.

Factors such as bloom time, soil preferences, and sunlight needs are important when selecting good companions for your garden.

flower companion planting: late summer perennial flower garden

The concept of companion planting has been used for centuries in traditional agricultural practices. One well-known example is the “Three Sisters” method used by Native American tribes, where corn, beans, and squash are planted together to support each other’s growth.

Companion planting vegetables, herbs, and flowers is how the original cottage garden style developed since sectioning off gardens for specific plants was considered a luxury.

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daisies, purple gladiolus and blue hydranges growing in the cottage garden

The primary goal when companion planting is to choose garden plants that benefit each other, whether through pest control, pollination, or nutrient exchange.

Flower companion planting is a great natural pest control method. Certain flowers attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and hoverflies, which prey on harmful pests.

Marigolds and nasturtiums deter nematodes and aphids, respectively, while lavender repels mosquitoes and ants.

This natural way of controlling pests reduces the need for chemical pesticides, creating a healthier organic garden environment. Mixing a variety of flowers can confuse pests and attract predators, maintaining a natural balance in your garden.

Different flowers attract beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife, creating a balanced ecosystem. Pollinator-friendly flowers like bee balm and echinacea support bees and butterflies, ensuring plant reproduction and a bountiful harvest.

Diverse plant life improves soil health and reduces pest and disease spread. For a vibrant, biodiverse garden, incorporate native flowers and a mix of plant heights.

Flowers like marigolds improve soil health, while nitrogen-fixing plants such as sweet peas enrich the soil for neighboring plants.

Pollinator-attracting flowers ensure better fruit and vegetable harvests. Taller flowers can create beneficial microclimates, providing shade and reducing water evaporation.

Some flowering plants even release growth-stimulating biochemicals. Add marigolds, sweet peas, bee balm, sunflowers, and borage to encourage strong growth in your garden.

flower companion planting: yellow zinnia with bee pollinating

Flower companion planting significantly boosts pollination.

Flowers like bee balm, lavender, and coneflowers attract beneficial pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, essential for pollinating vegetables and fruits.

This leads to higher harvests and better-quality produce. Plant various cut flowers that bloom throughout the season, such as zinnias, cosmos, and sunflowers, to provide a continuous nectar source. Strategically place flowers to create pathways that guide a range of pollinators through your garden.

Nitrogen-fixing flowers like sweet peas enrich the soil for vegetables like tomatoes and corn.

Marigolds suppress harmful nematodes and add organic matter, while borage improves soil structure and attracts beneficial insects.

These methods lead to healthier, more productive plants.

A diverse mix of flowers in your garden beds can create a beautiful and harmonious garden space by adding vibrant colors, diverse textures, and sweet scents.

Great companion plants like marigolds, lavender, and sunflowers create a visually gorgeous landscape while supporting the health of your vegetables and herbs.

This not only makes your garden more beautiful but also more enjoyable to spend time in.

sunflowers among black-eyed Susans in the garden

When selecting companion flowers for your garden, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure they thrive together and create a balanced, vibrant display.

Choosing flowers with complementary colors can improve the visual charm of your garden. Complementary colors are opposite on the color wheel and, when paired, create a striking contrast that can make your garden pop. Here are some examples:

  • Blue and Orange: Pair blue delphiniums with orange marigolds for a bold, eye-catching combination.
  • Purple and Yellow: Combine purple lavender with yellow sunflowers for a vibrant, cheerful look.
  • Red and Green: Use red roses alongside green foliage plants to create a classic, elegant garden scene.

Mixing different shades and tones within these complementary pairs can add depth and interest to your garden’s overall aesthetic.

Group plants with similar sunlight needs together. For instance, sun-loving plants such as zinnias and sunflowers should be planted in the same area, while shade-tolerant flowers like hostas and astilbes can share a more sheltered spot.

Match flowers based on their soil type preferences. Some flowers thrive in well-drained, sandy soils, while others prefer rich, loamy soils. Test your garden soil and choose companions that flourish in the same conditions.

flower companion planting: purple asters in the fall garden

By staggering bloom times, you can maintain a vibrant garden all season long and provide continuous food sources for pollinators.

Early Bloomers

Choose flowers like crocuses and tulips that bloom in early spring to kickstart your garden’s display.

Mid-Season Bloomers

For ongoing color, include flowers such as peonies and irises that peak in late spring to early summer.

Late Bloomers

Select flowers like asters and chrysanthemums that bloom in late summer to fall, ensuring your garden remains colorful until the first frost.

pink cosmos growing in the cut flower garden

Understanding the difference between annual and perennial flowers will help you plan your garden’s layout and maintenance.

Annual Flowers

These flowers complete their life cycle in one growing season. They need to be replanted each year but often provide a long, prolific bloom period.

Examples include marigolds, petunias, and zinnias. Annuals are great for filling in gaps and adding seasonal color.

Perennial Flowers

These plants return year after year, gradually spreading and becoming more vital. While they may have a shorter bloom period than annuals, they provide long-term structure and reliability in the garden.

Examples include peonies, lavender, and coneflowers.

flower companion planting: red coneflowers and yellow black-eyed Susans

Companion planting with flowers is a wonderful strategy for improving your garden’s overall health and productivity. Different flowers offer unique benefits, from enhancing soil health to controlling garden pests.

Here are some of the best companion planting flowers and how they help your garden thrive.

Specific plants can significantly improve soil quality, promoting healthier growth for all nearby plants.


Known for their ability to suppress nematodes, marigolds can help keep soil-borne pests in check, improving soil health.


Borage adds trace minerals to the soil and helps improve soil structure with its deep roots.


This deep-rooted plant draws nutrients from the soil, which can be released into the upper soil layers as the leaves decompose, enriching the soil.

yellow mums

Here are the best plants with natural properties that repel harmful insects, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.


These vibrant flowers are a great choice to repel aphids, whiteflies, and other pests, making them excellent companions for vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers.


These flowers contain pyrethrum, a natural insect repellent effective against ants and beetles.


The strong scent of lavender deters mosquitoes, fleas, and moths, protecting nearby plants from these pests.

flower companion planting: lilliput zinnias growing in the garden

The most famous flower trap crop is probably nasturtiums, which attract aphids. Nicotiana is also a viable trap plant. Trap crops attract pests away from valuable plants, protecting your main crops.


Besides repelling pests, nasturtiums also attract aphids, making them an amazing sacrificial plant for keeping the pests away from other plants and protecting your flower gardens from pest damage.


These flowers can attract Japanese beetles and cucumber beetles, diverting them from more valuable crops like beans and cucumbers.


Tall sunflowers lure pests such as aphids and serve as a trap crop, keeping them away from more delicate plants in the garden.

summer berry mix yarrow flowers in the cut flower garden

Good companion plants that attract beneficial insects can help control pest populations naturally.


These low-growing flowers attract predatory insects like hoverflies and parasitic wasps, which feed on aphids and other pests.


Yarrow attracts ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory wasps, all of which help manage pest populations in your garden.


These flowers draw in beneficial insects like bees and predatory beetles, contributing to a balanced garden ecosystem.

flower companion planting: a flower patch of sunflowers growing in the summer

Using flowers to manage full sun exposure can benefit sun-sensitive plants and optimize your garden layout. Here are good examples of the best garden flowers to minimize light exposure.


Tall and sturdy, sunflowers provide shade for more delicate, shade-loving plants, helping to prevent sunburn and excessive heat.

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum can help shade the soil as a ground cover, reducing evaporation and keeping the soil cooler for nearby plants.


These tall plants can provide partial shade for plants that need protection from intense midday sun.

purple coneflower with bees pollinating

Attracting pollinators is essential for fruit and vegetable production. Here are examples of companion planting for pollinators.

Bee Balm

This flower is highly attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, enhancing pollination in your garden.

Echinacea (Coneflower)

Echinacea draws bees and butterflies, ensuring effective pollination for nearby fruit and vegetable plants.


Besides its pest-repelling properties, lavender is also a favorite of bees, making it an excellent dual-purpose plant for pollinator support.

Creating a vibrant and healthy garden involves selecting the right flower combinations that complement each other in aesthetics and functionality. Some tried-and-true flower pairings can enhance your garden’s beauty and productivity.

Lavender’s strong scent helps repel aphids and other pests that commonly affect roses. Roses and lavender attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, boosting pollination.

The classic combination of roses and lavender contrasts colors and textures, creating a romantic and timeless garden look.

Nasturtiums act as a trap crop for aphids, drawing them away from more vulnerable plants, while marigolds are known for repelling nematodes.

Marigolds can improve soil health, making it more conducive for other plants to thrive. Marigolds and nasturtiums’ bright, cheerful colors create a lively and inviting garden space.

Both zinnias and cosmos are excellent at attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies, which is essential for a productive garden.

Zinnias and cosmos look stunning in flower arrangements and offer long blooming periods, ensuring continuous color throughout the growing season.

Zinnias add structure and height, while cosmos provide a delicate, airy touch, creating a balanced and dynamic garden display.

Sunflowers and echinacea attract pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and birds, enhancing pollination for other garden plants.

Echinacea adds organic matter as it decomposes. Sunflowers have deep roots that help break up compacted soil. The combination of tall sunflowers and mid-height echinacea creates a layered look with vibrant colors.

Alyssum attracts beneficial insects like hoverflies and parasitic wasps that prey on garden pests. Its low growth rate helps suppress weeds and retain soil moisture, benefiting nearby petunias.

The soft, trailing nature of alyssum paired with the bold, bushy petunias results in a cohesive and pretty garden display.

Calendula’s strong scent deters pests commonly targeting tomatoes, such as aphids and tomato hornworms. It helps improve soil health and attract pollinators, supporting the overall growth of tomato plants.

Calendula’s bright orange and yellow flowers contrast tomato plants’ lush green foliage and red fruits.

Both bee balm and black-eyed Susan are magnets for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, promoting healthy pollination in the garden.

These plants are generally disease-resistant and can help reduce the spread of garden diseases. The upright stems of bee balm combined with the sunny, cheerful blooms of black-eyed Susans create a vibrant and eye-catching garden view.

pastel zinnias growing in the cut flower garden

Combining flowers and vegetables in your garden enhances its beauty and promotes a healthier and more productive growing environment.

Companion planting provides natural benefits that flowers can pass on to your vegetable plot, such as pest control, improved pollination, and better soil health. Here are some of the best flower and vegetable pairings for your garden.

flower companion planting: marigolds, zinnias, and tomatoes in the container

Marigolds release compounds that repel nematodes, aphids, and whiteflies, protecting tomato plants from these common pests.

They also improve soil health by deterring harmful nematodes and attracting beneficial insects that prey on pests.

sweet peas and nasturtiums growing in the cut flower garden

Nasturtiums act as trap crops, luring aphids and other pests away from cucumber plants. Both plants attract pollinators, ensuring a better fruit set for cucumbers.

Nasturtiums spread out as a ground cover, helping to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture for cucumber plants.

orange calendula

Calendula deters aphids, nematodes, and other pests that can damage carrot plants. As this plant decomposes, it enriches the soil with organic matter, benefiting carrot growth.

The bright orange and yellow flowers of calendula provide a vibrant contrast to the green, feathery foliage of carrots.

strawberry plants growing in galvanized container

Borage helps repel pests such as tomato hornworms and cabbage moths, which can also affect strawberries. It attracts bees and other pollinators, increasing the pollination and yield of strawberry plants.

Borage improves soil health by adding trace minerals and enriching the soil as it decomposes.

flower companion planting: sunflowers growing in the garden

Sunflowers can act as a trap crop for aphids, drawing them away from corn plants. They provide a natural trellis for climbing beans, often grown alongside corn in the traditional “Three Sisters” planting method.

The tall, sturdy stalks of sunflowers add vertical interest and structure to a corn patch.

sweet alyssum

Alyssum attracts beneficial insects like hoverflies and parasitic wasps, which help control aphids and other pests on lettuce. It acts as a living mulch, reducing weed growth and helping to retain soil moisture for lettuce plants.

The low-growing, delicate flowers of alyssum complement the lush green leaves of lettuce, creating a pleasing visual effect.

flower companion planting: purple lavender growing in the garden

Lavender’s fragrant flowers repel pests such as moths, fleas, and beetles that can harm eggplants. It also attracts bees and other pollinators, which can improve eggplants’ fruit set and harvest.

Lavender’s purple flowers harmonize beautifully with eggplants’ dark, glossy fruits, adding color and fragrance to the garden.

orange marigolds, white petunias, and potato plants growing in container
  • Anise hyssop may repel cabbage moths
  • Borage may repel tomato hornworms
  • Catmint will usually repel aphids, Colorado potato beetles, and squash bugs (verify if it’s invasive in your area: it’s a fast grower)
  • Geraniums (Pelargonium) should keep away Japanese beetles
  • Pot marigolds usually deter asparagus beetles
  • Sage may repel cabbage moths and carrot rust flies
flower companion planting: flower and herb garden

Combining herbs and flowers in your garden adds beauty and creates a more balanced and healthy ecosystem. Herbs can enhance flower growth through pest control, attract beneficial insects, and improve soil health.

Here are some effective herb and flower pairings to consider for your garden.

Both these plants repel a variety of pests. Basil deters mosquitoes and flies, while marigolds keep nematodes and aphids at bay.

Both plants attract beneficial insects like bees, which aid in pollination.

The strong scents of basil and marigolds create a delightful, aromatic garden environment, enhancing the sensory experience.

Chives help repel aphids and other pests that commonly attack roses, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Both plants attract beneficial insects like bees, which aid in pollination.

The tall, slender chive stalks with their purple pom-pom flowers create a lovely contrast to the larger, showy blooms of roses.

flower companion planting: yellow sunflowers

Dill attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs and parasitic wasps, which help control aphids and other pests. Sunflowers can provide a natural trellis for dill, supporting its growth and preventing it from falling over.

The tall sunflowers and feathery dill add vertical interest and textural variety to the garden.

pink and purple petunias growing in flower containers

Parsley can deter beetles and other pests that may damage petunias. Its dense foliage helps cover the soil, reducing weed growth and retaining moisture for petunias.

The deep green of parsley complements the vibrant colors of petunias, creating a lush and colorful garden display.

flower companion planting: different herbs to plant

Both thyme and alyssum are low-growing plants that spread out, providing excellent ground cover to suppress weeds.

Thyme attracts beneficial insects like bees, while alyssum attracts hoverflies and parasitic wasps that help control pests.

The fine-textured leaves of thyme complement the delicate flowers of alyssum, creating a cohesive and attractive garden bed.

lime zinnia and apricot strawflowers growing in the cut flower garden

Mint repels aphids, ants, and flea beetles, providing a protective barrier for zinnias. Both mint and zinnias attract bees and butterflies, enhancing pollination in the garden.

The lush, spreading habit of mint contrasts nicely with the upright, colorful blooms of zinnias, adding variety to the garden layout.

flower companion planting: yellow marigolds and purple petunias

Choosing the right flowers to plant next to each other can enhance your garden’s beauty and health. Some great flower pairings are based on their compatibility, benefits, and visual appeal.

red sunflowers in the garden

Absolutely! Planting flowers next to vegetables is a highly beneficial practice called companion planting. This method can improve your garden’s health, productivity, and aesthetics.

Here are some key benefits and considerations for planting flowers alongside vegetables:

Benefits of Planting Flowers Next to Vegetables

Pest Control
  • Certain flowers can repel pests that typically target vegetable crops. For example, marigolds release chemicals that deter nematodes and other harmful insects.
  • Flowers like nasturtiums can act as trap crops, attracting pests away from vegetables and reducing damage to main crops.
Attracting Beneficial Insects
  • Flowers such as zinnias, sunflowers, and lavender attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, essential for pollinating many vegetable plants.
  • Flowers like alyssum and dill attract beneficial predatory insects such as ladybugs and parasitic wasps that feed on common garden pests.
Improving Soil Health
  • Nutrient Enhancement: Certain flowers can help improve soil health by fixing nitrogen (like clover) or adding organic matter as they decompose (like borage).
  • Soil Structure: Deep-rooted flowers can help break up compacted soil, improving aeration and drainage for nearby vegetables.
Aesthetic Appeal
  • Color and Variety: Integrating flowers with vegetables adds color and visual interest to your garden, making it a more enjoyable space.
flower companion planting: zucchini growing in the raised beds

Considerations for Planting Flowers Next to Vegetables

  • Light and Water Needs: Ensure the flowers and vegetables you pair together have similar light and water requirements to promote healthy growth for both.
  • Soil Preferences: Match plants with similar soil pH and fertility needs to avoid competition for nutrients.
Space Management
  • Plant Spacing: Consider the mature size of flowers and vegetables to avoid overcrowding, which can reduce air circulation and increase the risk of disease.
  • Root Competition: Some flowers have extensive root systems that can compete with vegetables for nutrients and water. Choose plants with compatible root structures.
  • Bloom and Harvest Times: Consider the bloom time of flowers and the harvest time of vegetables to ensure continuous benefits throughout the growing season.
pink cosmos and tomatoes growing in the raised beds

Suggested Flower and Vegetable Pairings

  • Marigolds and Tomatoes
  • Nasturtiums and Cucumbers
  • Borage and Strawberries
  • Calendula and Carrots
  • Sunflowers and Beans
flower companion planting: purple and fuchsia sweet peas in the cut flower garden

Incorporating cut flowers into your companion planting schemes enhances the beauty and diversity of your garden and provides fresh blooms for indoor arrangements.

Here are some of the best cut flowers that serve dual purposes: they thrive in companion planting setups and make stunning additions to floral bouquets.

pink roses in the garden

While many flowers complement each other well in the garden, some combinations can lead to poor growth, increased pest issues, or competition for resources.

Here are some flowers that should not be planted together and why they are incompatible.

Roses and Garlic

  • Growth Inhibition: Garlic and other alliums can inhibit roses’ growth due to the strong chemicals they release into the soil.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both roses and garlic are heavy feeders, meaning they can compete for nutrients, which can reduce the vigor of both plants.

Fennel and Most Other Plants

  • Allelopathy: Fennel releases allelopathic chemicals that can inhibit the growth of many other plants, including most flowers and vegetables.
  • Pest Attraction: Fennel can attract pests that might spread to other plants in the garden.

Carrots and Dill

  • Growth Inhibition: Dill can stunt the growth of carrots if planted too closely.
  • Pest Attraction: Dill attracts carrot flies, which can damage carrot crops.

Sunflowers and Potatoes

  • Allelopathy: Sunflowers produce allelopathic chemicals that can inhibit the growth of potatoes and other plants.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both sunflowers and potatoes have high nutrient demands, which can lead to competition and reduced growth.

Hyacinths and Narcissus (Daffodils)

  • Growth Inhibition: Hyacinths can inhibit the growth of narcissus when planted too closely together.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both are bulb plants and can compete for the same soil nutrients, leading to poorer performance for both.

Mint and Most Other Herbs/Flowers

  • Growth Inhibition: Mint is highly invasive and can quickly overtake garden beds, crowding out other plants.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both roses and garlic are heavy feeders, meaning they can compete for nutrients, which can reduce the vigor of both plants.
flower companion planting: pink gladiolus in the cottage garden

Gladiolus and Peas

  • Disease Spread: Gladiolus can attract pests and diseases affecting peas, such as thrips.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both plants can compete for nutrients, reducing yields.

Marigolds and Beans

  • Growth Inhibition: Marigolds can sometimes inhibit the growth of beans due to the chemicals they release.
  • Nutrient Competition: Both plants can compete for soil nutrients, potentially stunting growth.
blue flowered bachelor's button or cornflower growing in the garden

Cornflowers (Bachelor’s Buttons) and Roses

  • Nutrient Competition: Both roses and garlic are heavy feeders, meaning they can compete for nutrients, which can reduce the vigor of both plants.
  • Pest Attraction: Cornflowers can attract pests that might also affect roses.

Irises and Other Bulbs

  • Nutrient Competition: Irises and other bulb plants can compete for the same soil nutrients, reducing growth.
  • Growth Inhibition: Garlic and other alliums can inhibit roses’ growth due to the strong chemicals they release into the soil.
flower companion planting: colorful zinnias in the community garden

Research Specific Needs

Always research the specific needs and characteristics of the flowers you plan to grow together.

Consider Soil and Water Requirements

Ensure that companion plants have similar soil and water requirements.

Watch for Allelopathic Plants

Be cautious with plants known for allelopathic properties, such as fennel and sunflowers.

Manage Invasive Species

Keep invasive species like mint in containers to prevent them from overtaking garden beds.

tulips and daffodils in cut flower garden with dog sleeping

Choosing the right flower combinations can enhance your garden’s beauty, health, and productivity.

Here are some flowers that thrive when planted together, along with the benefits they bring to each other and the overall garden ecosystem.

  • Roses and Lavender
  • Marigolds and Petunias
  • Zinnias and Cosmos
  • Sunflowers and Nasturtiums
  • Tulips and Daffodils
  • Calendula and Salvia
  • Pansies and Violas
  • Dahlias and Snapdragons
  • Sweet Alyssum and Impatiens
  • Bee Balm and Black-Eyed Susan

Here’s a chart to help you plan your garden using companion planting guides for flowers. This chart lists popular flowers, their beneficial companions, and flowers they should be planted away from.

FlowerCompanion FlowersBenefitsAvoid Planting WithReason
RosesLavender, Geraniums, MarigoldsRepels pests, attracts pollinators, improves soil healthGarlic, FennelInhibits growth, competes for nutrients
MarigoldsPetunias, Nasturtiums, ZinniasRepels nematodes, aphids, attracts beneficial insectsBeans, CabbageCan inhibit growth, compete for nutrients
LavenderRoses, Echinacea, SageRepels pests, attracts pollinators, drought-tolerantMintMint can be invasive
ZinniasCosmos, Sunflowers, MarigoldsAttracts pollinators, adds vibrant colorPotatoesPotential for pest attraction
SunflowersNasturtiums, Zinnias, MarigoldsAttracts pollinators, acts as a trap cropPotatoes, BeansAllelopathic properties, competes for nutrients
TulipsDaffodils, Hyacinths, CrocusesEarly spring blooms, complementary heights, adds colorFennelFennel can inhibit growth
NasturtiumsMarigolds, Sunflowers, BeansActs as trap crop, attracts pollinatorsPotatoes, BroccoliCan attract pests that harm these vegetables
DahliasSnapdragons, Zinnias, SunflowersAttracts beneficial insects, adds color and structureCarrotsPotential for pest attraction
CosmosZinnias, Marigolds, SunflowersAttracts pollinators, adds airy structurePotatoesCan attract pests
PetuniasMarigolds, Lavender, GeraniumsRepels pests, attracts pollinatorsBeans, BroccoliPotential for pest attraction
GeraniumsRoses, Marigolds, PetuniasRepels pests, attracts pollinators, improves soil healthFennelFennel can inhibit growth
EchinaceaLavender, Sunflowers, Bee BalmAttracts pollinators, adds height and colorGarlic, MintCan inhibit growth, compete for nutrients
Bee BalmEchinacea, Black-Eyed Susan, PhloxAttracts pollinators, improves soil healthCarrots, BeansCan attract pests
Black-Eyed SusanBee Balm, Echinacea, SalviaAttracts pollinators, adds height and colorFennelFennel can inhibit growth
Sweet AlyssumImpatiens, Petunias, MarigoldsAttracts beneficial insects, provides ground coverFennelFennel can inhibit growth
SnapdragonsDahlias, Marigolds, PetuniasRepels pests, attracts pollinators, adds vertical interestCarrots, BeansPotential for pest attraction
CalendulaCarrots, Tomatoes, NasturtiumsRepels pests, attracts pollinators, improves soil healthPotatoesPotential for pest attraction
  • Pollinator Attraction: Many flowers attract beneficial insects like bees, butterflies, and ladybugs, aiding pollination and pest control.
  • Pest Repellent: Certain flowers, like marigolds and lavender, have properties that repel harmful pests, providing natural pest control.
  • Soil Health: Flowers like calendula and marigolds improve soil health by adding organic matter and deterring soil-borne pests.
  • Planning Your Garden: Use this chart to plan your garden layout, ensuring that compatible flowers are planted together to maximize their mutual benefits.
  • Avoiding Incompatibilities: Be mindful of flowers that should not be planted together to avoid growth inhibition and resource competition.
  • Creating a Balanced Ecosystem: Choosing the right flower combinations can create a diverse and balanced garden ecosystem that supports healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Garden Supplies and Tools

Check out my favorite garden supplies and tools for the growing season. Whether you’re looking for potting soil or deer repellent, you’ll find what I use in my own garden.

flower companion planting: colorful zinnias in the cut flower garden

Companion planting with flowers is a practical way to enhance the beauty and productivity of your garden.

By carefully selecting flowers that complement each other and their neighboring vegetables or herbs, you can create a thriving ecosystem that benefits from natural pest control, improved pollination, and enriched soil health.

Whether your goal is to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, or simply enjoy a more vibrant and colorful garden, the thoughtful combinations outlined in this post can help you make the best choices for your unique gardening space.

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, please share them in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may find these gardening tips useful.

Until next time,

Happy Gardening!

I’m a self-taught hobby gardener. Everything I share on my blog is my opinion and what has worked for me.

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