Saltwater Sounds Weekly Wrap Up

A weekly collection of ideas, tips and inspiration.

Random Thoughts

1 – The weather was really nice earlier this week, and the sun was out! Puppy Ollie went on his first walk on Wednesday, and he was a SUPERSTAR. He also went on his very first boat ride last weekend. Here are a few pictures. Proud mama here.

Poor Jax doesn’t care for the boat when we are underway, which is why his tongue is hanging out.

Some of you may think that this sporty Hawaiian-inspired life jacket might be a little girly for Ollie, but he’s adorable no matter what he wears. It’s actually his sister Lucy’s and he’s borrowing it until he grows a little bit more.

2 – My beautiful sweet pea seedlings! Look at the difference a week makes. Do you want to try to grow some too? You can read my blog post on sowing sweet peas HERE.

I’ll be in my greenhouse this weekend sowing more seeds. You can check out my progress on Instagram stories on Sunday, so make sure you visit!

3 – I shared a blog post this week about sowing snapdragons. These seeds are the tiniest little things you’ve ever seen, but they make the most beautiful blooms you could ever want in a garden.

4 – I was thinking about my childhood the other day. Who is old enough to remember bringing home the Scholastic book order form and trying to figure out what you wanted to buy. I loved getting posters to hang in your room. My favorite poster was of Shaun Cassidy.

What’s one of your favorite things you remember from your childhood?

5 – Antique Candle Co. has some fresh and fruity new faves for spring.

  • Grapefruit is a bright scent of sugared pink grapefruit and vibrant citrus zest
  • Lemon Eucalyptus is a fresh aroma of bright lemon, sweet orange, and eucalyptus

6 – 2 MORE DAYS FOR THE GIVEAWAY!!! Discovering Dahlias – Floret Flower’s New Book Release Date is March 9th

Two of my favorite things! Floret Flower Farm and Dahlias!!!! The new book will be released on March 9th, but you can click here to pre-order.

Erin, the owner of Floret Flower Farm, has graciously offered to give away a signed copy of her new book! All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this blog post, sharing something about dahlias or why you want to win this Discovering Dahlias book. The giveaway closes on March 7th at 10:00 p.m. PST. US residents only. I’m giving away a second signed book on my Instagram account as well. Make sure to enter there too!

7 – My Friday Favorite Finds – Classic navy and white home décor for spring.

My Favorite Inspiration Around the Web From Last Week…

In Case You Missed It…

A Simple Tablescape for Easter

Here’s my Easter tablescape from last year.

I’d love to hear from you! Leave me a comment and let me know what you’d like to see on the blog! Thank you for being here. It means the world.

Enjoy your weekend,


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  1. What a lovely blog! What breed is Ollie? He’s adorable. Is the first picture from your home? Stubbing!!

    1. Thank you so much! Ollie is a Havenese. And yes, that first picture is my living room. Thanks for visiting!

  2. So fun reading all that’s happening, and love love love the cute picture of you and the fur babies! I’m sure it was so nice to get out and get some fresh air friend. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you Chas. It was really nice to get out and away from the desk for a few hours. And Ollie just loved it. Jax on the other hand, not so much!

    1. I have to tell you, and not just because I’m Ollie’s mom, but I agree. He is the cutest guy. I have never had a more curious and energetic dog that gets into so much trouble! It’s a good thing he’s cute because he is certainly a handful!

    1. Thank you my friend. I always love your blog posts! And I really appreciate the compliment. Thank you for visiting.

    1. Hi Carol! Poor little Jax needs doggy Xanax when we travel long distances. He’s the same in the car. Ollie loves everything he tries!

  3. Love your little dogs and your inspiring garden. I’m a dog mom to two little dogs, love to garden and we live near the beach in the great PNW!

    1. It sounds like we have a lot in common! There’s nowhere I’d rather live than the PNW! Thank you for being here Pam. Have a great week.

  4. I’m just gonna go ahead and unsubscribe from any blog post I’m getting because yours is hands-down the best. Seriously. All of my favorite things in a one-stop shop right here. One and done!! Let’s see, love the dogs, you and I love all the same colors so I pretty much think you’re a genius, and we probably both had the same Shaun Cassidy poster. We could have even been scholastic buddies. ❤️ I do truly enjoy your blog and I’m really glad I found it. Let’s talk about dahlias… more importantly, let’s talk about Erin B. LOVE that woman. I would like to be her Scholastic book buddy too. And we could start by her sharing her book with me. Which, a friend let me drool over before she snatched it away from me. It’s beautiful. And I blame Erin entirely for my dahlia addiction. Such an infectious, gorgeous flower. Super excited about the season ahead. It can’t come soon enough!
    Happy Spring!

    1. Well, I have to tell you Leah, with compliments like this, I will have to come and read them again and again! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words. And you know when someone asks you that crazy question about that one person you would like to meet? It would be Erin, hands down. She has been such an inspiration. I’m just as excited about the season ahead. Happy Spring and a wonderful week ahead!

  5. Shawn Cassidy; yes! Had posters and his record. Those were the days:) Great memory. I was just remembering all things Prairie-styled! Thanks for including me in your favorites round-up! Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh my gosh Lora! I forgot all about the prairie-style clothing. Those were the days. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  6. I’m also posting here about your lovely blog and gardens!! I retired from nursing in 2016 and planned to plant a cottage garden and grow Dahlias. Well a back problem got in the way and I’m finally getting to garden and so I definitely need Discovering Dahlias! Thanks again.

    1. It definitely sounds like you need Erin’s new book! I am so sorry to hear that your back issues have postponed your plans for a cottage garden with dahlias. I’m so happy to hear that you are well enough to move forward. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

  7. Ollie and Jax ❤❤❤ Ollie is looking more like a little puppy, moving past his babyhood ? and it appears he and Jax have a similar look. He is a well behaved and well lived little guy and looks adorable in Lucy’s life vest.
    Love the navy & white spring theme – blue & white are my colors along with acid green. Great post Kim (as always). Love the look of the sweet peas but I’m only an ‘indoor gardener’.

    1. Thank you Barb! I’m loving the navy and whites as well this spring. I could learn a thing or two about indoor gardening, I don’t do as well, it might be that I forget to water. Ollie and Jax are becoming quite the duo. They are the best fo friends! Have a wonderful week.

  8. Your puppy looks darling in that life jacket! i loved all the inspiration your post provided on this chilly morning. Dahlias are one of my favorite flowers (but then again, I have many faves, and the thought of paging through the new book even before it’s time to see teh real blooms makes me smile. thanks so much for all you shared today.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Dorene. It’s hard to have a favorite flower, but I would say that dahlias come pretty close to the top. Erin’s book has the most gorgeous pictures. Thank you so much for visiting!

  9. Kim, what a fun way to spend Saturday morning with my cup of coffee and your wrap-up! Love the pup on the boat pictures….just too cute! And though my taste is not farmhouse, I love the picture of Sara’s Simply Southern Cottage~will check her out. So glad there is some color in decor! I have tried growing dahlias here in Phoenix with no luck. I may try them at our mountain cabin…I do think they will grow there. Just threw my seeds from Floret in the ground and keeping my fingers crossed that they sprout. My planting guide suggests that I don’t need to sow them beforehand…Have a wonderful weekend!~
    P.S. Got a 404 message when I tried connecting to your blog through the email notification. But when I went to your home page and clicked on today’s post, it came up. Not sure why that happened?

    1. Thank you so much for visiting the blog today Mary! Yes, I made a big fat mistake and must not have saved my links after making a change. I’m hoping that will be the last time I make that mistake again! I can’t wait to see how your seeds grow! And yes, Sara has the most beautiful home, and she is the most beautiful person as well. Have a great week my friend.

  10. OMG how cute is Ollie in his little lifevest! Love the pic of you with the pups on the boat too! I am so excited to check out your snapdragon post! And your Easter table from last year is so pretty! Love all the garden touches. Thank you for including my houseplant post! Have the best weekend! xoxoxo

    1. Thank you for all the compliments Stacy! You are so sweet and I always love sharing your amazing blog posts. You have so many good things to teach people.

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