15 Summer Garden Greenhouse Views to Inspire You

Are you ready for some summer garden and greenhouse inspiration? I can’t wait to share my 15 favorite summer cottage garden greenhouse views with you.

Summer Garden Greenhouse View

It’s All About the Greenhouse Inspiration

What better way to celebrate National Gardening Week than to share my favorite summertime garden greenhouse views with you. And the best part is…I’m joining a group of bloggers who are doing the same thing!

If you’re joining me from Jen at The Flowering Farmhouse‘s gorgeous greenhouse and garden tour, welcome. Jen is such an incredible gardener. Isn’t she inspiring?

Daisies in garden with greenhouse

When I look back to all the garden pictures I’ve ever posted, this greenhouse is in about 75% of them. It gets shared SO MUCH!

It only measures 8’X10′ and isn’t a show stopper by any means. There’s no room for furniture, a fun dinner party, or basically anything I dreamed of having in my greenhouse when I was planning for it.

But with a limited amount of space to build in our front yard, (that’s where all the sun, flat ground, and water views are) we made it a more “PRACTICAL” greenhouse than a fancy one.

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Summer Garden Greenhouse View featured in Country Home Magazine
Photo Credit: Jay Wilde | Featured in Country Home Magazine

The greenhouse is getting quite famous. It doesn’t hurt that it has a Puget Sound water view, that’s for sure. It’s been in 3 magazines in the past year-and-a-half, including Country Home Magazine’s summer issue and Better Homes & Garden Cottage Style Magazine’s spring/summer issue. And be sure to stay tuned for another one this month.

Let’s take a look at the 15 most inspiring views of my garden greenhouse captured from just about every angle I could find.

Garden Greenhouse View with vintage bike

Looking Through the Arbor of Clematis

The comment I hear most about this view is that it reminds people of a secret garden. The clematis that grows on this arbor is evergreen and produces the most lovely white blossoms, but sadly, they don’t last long.

This is one of the few areas in the front yard where I can grow “shade-loving” plants such as impatiens, begonias and astilbes.

You can see the brick stone patio where you’ll always find a container or two of flowers and greenery no matter what the season. I’ve also found a new home under the arbor for the vintage bike a neighbor gifted me.

Garden Greenhouse View overlooking the Puget Sound

The Garden Greenhouse View Captured From the Deck

This view speaks for itself and I literally take a picture every time the sun is out! The water is not a lake, but the Puget Sound, which is a sound of the Pacific Northwest, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, and part of the Salish Sea. The tides go in and out all day, every day so the view is NEVER the same.

Sunset waterview with greenhouse

Here’s a view from last summer as the sun went down. It was an amazing evening, perfect for a walk through the garden.

Inside the greenhouse

Inside the Greenhouse After All the Work is Completed

Let’s take a look at the inside of my garden greenhouse. And now you can see what I mean about it being small? The seedlings have been transplanted to the cut flower garden and the geraniums have returned to their garden containers for the summer.

For more specifics about our greenhouse you can read my blog post Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About My Greenhouse.

Inside the greenhouse

We have Dutch doors at both ends of the greenhouse which really helps with the flow of air throughout the greenhouse.

*Just for the record, I’m counting these inside greenhouse views here as just one of the 15 inspired views, in case you were wondering. But you probably weren’t.

Inside the greenhouse featured in Country Home Magazine
Photo Credit: Jay Wilde | Featured in Country Home Magazine

Above is one of the pictures featured in the 2021 summer issue of Country Home Magazine. Here’s some behind-the-scenes scoop. It was the hottest day of the year, in the 90s which is very rare in the Seattle area. Let me just say that I was doing everything I could to keep the flowers from wilting.

I can’t even tell you how hot it was in the greenhouse but I’m sure you can just imagine! We tried to keep the amount of time these flowers were indoors to a minimum.

late summer greenhouse view

The Cottage Flower Garden View

I try to plant the most interesting and colorful flowers in this garden spot because I always share this space the most, and I can see it from my kitchen window. This garden never quite turns out the way I envision how it will look in my head though. So I’m constantly changing it up.

It’s amazing how different the view looks here from season to season. The above view was last year’s late summer. You can see more pictures of each season’s greenhouse view HERE.

Garden Greenhouse View

Foxgloves, lavender and Jupiter’s beard all add so much interest to the cottage garden this time of year.

greenhouse in the summer

The Front View of the Garden Greenhouse

This garden greenhouse view is what you see from the road in front of our house. Rather than a patio like the other side, we added stairs off the front of the greenhouse because of the downward slope in the yard. It’s the perfect spot for more flower containers.

Do you see our mermaid weathervane from Good Directions? It is one of my favorite additions to the greenhouse.

dahlias with greenhouse in the background

The View From the Raised Bed Garden

This is one of my favorite views…captured from the raised bed-cut flower garden. The dahlias tend to steal the show in the summer months.

Cut flower garden

Here’s a view of the cut flower garden in full bloom last year. It was pretty amazing!

dahlias with greenhouse in the background

And then there are times when the dahlias are the star and the greenhouse blends into the background.

dahlias with greenhouse in the background

I hope you’ve enjoyed my favorite summer views of the cottage garden greenhouse. And if you did, then you will absolutely want to continue to follow along with me through the summer. Trust me, it only gets better! Thanks for visiting. I’d love to hear from you, leave me a comment.

greenhouse view with sunrise

Next up on our tour is Annette at Azure Farm. You will not want to miss her amazing greenhouse. It is absolutely incredible! The links to all the other amazing greenhouse & garden tours are listed below.

More Greenhouses & Gardens For You

Annette | Azure Farm Life

Rachel | The Ponds Farmhouse

Jen | The Flowering Farmhouse


If you’ve enjoyed this blog post, please pin and share this on Pinterest.

15 Summer garden greenhouse views

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  1. Kim, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and admired your glorious garden since I discovered it last year but repeated attempts to subscribe have failed. I never receive the promised link after entering my name & email address and clicking on subscribe. It isn’t getting caught in my spam filter – I keep checking. Am I the only one having this problem? I would dearly love to receive reminders of a new blog entry so am very sad about this situation. Do you have any suggestions for getting around this perplexing situation?

    1. Hi Sharon! I am so sorry you are having so much trouble with subscribing to my blog. It should be such an easy thing to do. I am in the process of switching email services and hope that will help. In the meantime, I will manually add you and hopefully, you will start to receive emails from me as soon as this weekend. Thank you for reaching out.

  2. Kim, your greenhouse and gardens are beautiful! They are just popping with vibrant colors. I love your sunset pictures, too. Congratulations on all your success! You inspire us all with your beauty!

  3. Kim these are all such gorgeous images of your greenhouse! Our greenhouses are very similar in size. Mine is 8×12 and I always dreamed of having garden parties inside too, but no space on the property. So fun to do this tour with you for National Gardening Week!

    1. I didn’t realize yours was close to the same size Jen. It looks so much bigger. You make up for it in flowers for sure!

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