15 Ways to Prepare Your Garden for the Fall Season Transition

Have you started thinking about what needs to be done in the garden as we get closer to fall, and before the first frost of the season? Today I’m sharing tips and ideas to help you start preparing your garden for fall.

It’s that time of year when there’s still so much that the summer garden has to offer. But it’s also important to start thinking about a strategy to start preparing for the fall season.

I actually love getting the garden ready for the new season. The weather is usually perfect for gardeners here in the Pacific Northwest as we get into September. Let me take you through the steps I take to seamlessly transition from the summer to fall.

late summer view of the garden and bay

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preparing your garden for fall: late summer cottage garden with bright flowers

Why is it Important to Prepare Your Garden for the Fall Season?

When you put in the effort to prep it for fall, you’re giving your plants a head start to tackle the upcoming cooler months.

Cleaning out the garden helps prevent diseases from hanging around and gives your new plants room to thrive. Trimming back the tired plants gives them a chance to rejuvenate and grow strong for the next year. Adding fresh nutrients to the soil keeps your garden plants healthy.

orange fir Elise dahlia in front of greenhouse

When to Start Preparing Your Garden for Fall

As summer begins to wind down and the days gradually grow shorter, the big question is “When is the right time to begin preparing my garden for the upcoming fall season”?

The answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, as it largely depends on your local climate. In regions with milder climates, where the temperatures stay relatively comfortable well into autumn, you might have a bit more time to enjoy your summer blooms before transitioning.

On the other hand, in areas with colder climates, where frost and chilly winds come earlier, it’s smart to start your fall garden preparations sooner rather than later.

The general rule of thumb is to begin prepping around 6-8 weeks before your average first frost date. This time frame allows you to trim back fading perennials, clear out spent annuals, and consider what new plants or bulbs could thrive in the cooler months.

preparing your garden for fall: blazing star and coneflowers

Favorite Fall Garden Prep Tools

Before you start working on your garden for fall, make sure you have the right tools handy. Grab a pair of sturdy gloves to protect your hands, a rake to gather debris, a hand pruner or garden shears for cutting back plants, and a yard waste or compost bin for collecting debris.

orange strawflowers in the cutting garden and greenhouse in back of view

15 Fall Garden Prep Tips to Transition Your Summer Garden

1. Assess Your Garden’s Needs

Check out your garden’s current condition to see what’s going well and what needs a little help.

Are your summer flowers still looking healthy, or are they starting to droop? Are there any spots in your garden that seem to be struggling because of pests or diseases?

By taking this time to size up your garden’s health, you can decide which plants should stay, which might need to go, and which ones deserve some extra TLC. Assessing your garden now not only keeps it looking great but also lets you tackle any problems before they get worse.

preparing your garden for fall: café au lait dahlia along the white picket fence

2. Trim Back and Prune Perennial Plants

Give your garden a fresh start for fall by trimming back any perennials that are starting to fade or show signs of disease. Be sure to use sharp, clean pruners or shears.

Cut back to just above healthy new growth or to a few inches above the ground, depending on the plant type. This encourages new growth and prevents diseases from spreading.

Removing the dead flower heads from a plant will encourage growth by putting more energy into blooms for the remainder of summer.

bright lilliput zinnias in carrel

3. Remove Spent Annuals

If you notice multiple signs of an annual plant declining, it’s a good indication that it is spent.

Here are some common signs that can help you determine when an annual plant has reached this stage:

  • Fading Blooms
  • Reduced Flower Production
  • Yellowing or Browning Leaves
  • Wilting or Sagging
  • Formation of Seed Pods
  • Insect or Disease Damage

Gently pull them out with the roots, shaking off the excess soil. Place them in your compost pile if they’re disease-free. It’s important to remove spent annuals from your garden to prevent disease, pests, and fungal issues from spreading to other plants.

Replacing spent plants with fresh ones or transitioning to fall and winter plants will ensure your garden remains vibrant and attractive.

preparing your garden for fall: summer cut flower garden

4. Clean and Clear Out Garden Beds

Use your rake to gather fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris that may have accumulated in the garden beds. One of the best things you can do to prepare for your fall garden is to clear away this debris. It not only makes your garden look neater but also reduces hiding spots for pests.

green pest on leave of plant

5. Inspect for Diseases and Pests

While you’re cleaning, keep an eye out for any signs of disease or pests. If you spot any, remove the affected plants to prevent the issue from spreading.

Dispose of them in a way that prevents further contamination. Make sure any diseased plants are discarded rather than composted.

preparing your garden for fall:  mulching leaves

6. Add Mulch or Leaves to Your Garden Beds

If you use mulch in your garden beds, consider refreshing it after you’ve cleared everything out.

Mulching your garden beds this time of year will help to block weeds, maintain moisture, insulate the soil, and add organic matter to the soil for a healthier garden in the spring.

Spread a 2-3 inch thick layer of mulch in your flower beds. This process will also help prolong the growing season and will allow your fall garden to flourish.

Leaves make a great substitute for mulch and have many of the same benefits as mulch. As the leaves break down, they add nutrients to the soil.

7. Water and Nourish the Soil

After cleaning and clearing, give your garden beds a good watering to settle the soil and help any remaining plants recover.

If you plan to add new plants for the fall season, consider mixing in some compost or organic fertilizer to nourish the soil.

yellow black-eyed Susans and sunflowers

8. Divide and Transplant Perennials

Once the heat of the summer is over, divide any mature perennials that are starting to overcrowd an area in your garden. Transplant these to other areas in your garden, or share them with friends and neighbors.

9. Continue to Keep Weeds Under Control

Keep the weeds at a minimum through the fall season. They can steal water and nutrients from other plants in your garden.

Keeping your beds mulched will certainly help with weed control by helping to suppress weeds by blocking sunlight from the soil.

preparing your garden for fall:  fall mums and ornamental cabbage and kale

10. Replace Summer Annuals With Fall-Friendly Options

After removing your spent annuals, replacing them with autumn plants is a great way to prepare your garden for fall. For uninterrupted color and interest, plant fall-friendly flowers in container gardens, such as pansies, verbena, mums, cabbages, and flowering kale in their place.

You could sow seeds in the future but it may be too late to do so for this fall season if you haven’t already. Your local nursery or garden center should have plenty of fall annual stock for the season.

purple asters

11. Planting Trees and Shrubs

Fall planting is ideal for planting trees and shrubs. The soil is still warm enough for roots to establish. Make sure to plan well before the season’s first frost so there is time to acclimate before the cold winter months come.

planting spring bulbs

12. Planting Bulbs for Spring Flowers

Bulb planting in the fall is one of the easiest ways to ensure a colorful and stunning spring flower garden. You’re laying the groundwork in the fall season for your spring garden.

To find out everything you need to know about planting your spring-blooming bulbs like daffodils or tulips, in the fall read my post: 10 Tips and Tricks for Planting Stunning Spring-Blooming Bulbs in the Fall Season

raised beds with seedlings

13. Grow a Fall Vegetable Garden

Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, kale, and cabbage can be planted for fall. Root crops such as carrots, beets, and radishes are other vegetable plants that can be grown.

white picket fence garden with marigolds

14. Protecting Tender Plants

Protecting delicate plants from early frosts and colder temperatures is essential to ensure their survival and maintain their health. Here are several methods you can use when preparing your garden for fall to shield your plants from chilly weather:

  • Mulching
  • Row covers and cloths
  • Overwinter tender plants in the greenhouse
  • Cloches or mini greenhouses
  • Container relocation
  • Choose frost-tolerant varieties
  • Monitor and remove covers
preparing your garden for fall:  zinnias in cut flower garden

15. Plan and Make Notes for Next Year

The goal for my garden is to transition from season to season timelessly. As one perennial dies down, another next to it will take its place. And that takes a lot of planning!

Now is the time to walk through your garden and make a list of what worked well for you, and what didn’t. What would you do differently?

I take pictures of my garden every season, so I can compare each area throughout the months. I look at the areas in the garden that may have some holes in them or a lack of color. Maybe two types of flowers were planted side by side and didn’t complement each other and need to be moved for next year.

preparing your garden for fall:  fall flowers in container gardens

Common Questions on How to Prepare Your Garden for Fall

Here are a few of the most common questions when it comes to preparing your garden for the fall season.

When Should I Prepare My Fall Garden?

The timing for preparing your fall garden depends on where you live and the climate in your area.

If you’re in a region with mild temperatures that linger into autumn, start your fall garden prep around 6-8 weeks before the average first frost date.

If you’re in a colder climate where frost arrives earlier, starting your fall garden prep about 8-10 weeks before the first expected frost date is a good rule of thumb. This extra time accounts for the shorter growing season and ensures your garden is all set before the chill sets in.

fall container garden

What Fertilizer Should I Put on My Garden in the Fall?

When it comes to selecting a fertilizer, you’ll want to focus on one that promotes root growth and overall plant health while also preparing your garden for the winter months. Look for a balanced fertilizer with equal or slightly higher proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), represented as N-P-K on the packaging.

Nitrogen is essential for leafy growth, which is beneficial as plants build up their root systems before winter. Phosphorus supports root development and overall energy transfer within the plant, while potassium aids in disease resistance and cold tolerance.

Organic fertilizers, such as compost or well-rotted manure, can also be excellent choices, as they enrich the soil with a variety of nutrients and improve soil structure.

It’s a good practice to apply fertilizer a few weeks before the first frost date, giving your plants time to absorb the nutrients and strengthen their root systems.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the fertilizer packaging for application rates and methods, and remember that moderation is key over-fertilizing can harm your plants and the environment.

preparing your garden for fall: chocolate lace dara flower in garden

Should You Stop Fertilizing in the Fall?

While you should generally reduce nitrogen-heavy fertilization in the fall, it’s a good idea to focus on root development and use slow-release or organic options.

Timing and plant-specific considerations also play a role, so adjusting your fertilization approach based on these factors will help you support the health of your garden as it transitions into the cooler months.

cut flower garden

How Do I Prepare My Garden Soil for Next Year?

Clear Out Debris: After the growing season ends, remove any remaining plant debris, spent annuals, and weeds from the garden beds. This clears the way for proper soil preparation.

Soil Testing

This will help assess the nutrient levels and pH of your soil and help you determine what soil amendments your soil might need for optimal plant growth. You can get a soil test kit from a local garden center or send a sample to a testing lab for analysis.

Add Organic Matter

Enrich your soil with organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mulch. This improves soil structure, drainage, and nutrient retention. Spread a layer over the garden beds and gently work it into the top few inches of soil using a garden fork or tiller.

Adjust soil pH if Necessary

Based on the results of your soil test, adjust the pH if needed. Lime can be added to raise pH, while sulfur or peat moss can lower it. Most plants prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range.


Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, to the soil surface. Mulch helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. It also gradually breaks down and adds nutrients to the soil.

Rotate Crops

If you have a vegetable garden, practice crop rotation to prevent soil-borne diseases and pests. Move crops to different locations each year to break the cycle of pests and maintain soil health.

Avoid walking on garden beds when the soil is wet, as this can lead to soil compaction. Compacted soil restricts root growth and water movement, impacting plant health.

Proper Drainage

Ensure proper drainage by ensuring that beds are slightly elevated and not prone to pooling water. Poor drainage can lead to root rot and other issues.

cottage garden path with hydrangeas and pumpkins

When you put in the effort to prepare your garden for fall, you’re giving your plants the head start they need to make it through the colder winter months. You’re also setting next year’s garden up for success.

I hope my ideas to prepare your garden for the fall season transition have helped you with a strategy to get your own garden ready for the fall season.

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, please share them in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may find these gardening tips useful.

Until next time,

Happy Gardening!

I’m a self-taught hobby gardener. Everything I share on my blog is my opinion and what has worked for me.

Shop my Amazon Storefront, LTK sources, and my favorite home decor, garden, and lifestyle products. When you purchase from one of my links, I earn a small commission, which helps me continue sharing all the content you expect on my blog.

Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LIKEtoKNOW.it. Do you like gardening? Join my Facebook Gardening Tips & Tricks group.

preparing your garden for fall

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  1. I live in Spanaway, not on the Sound, but close enough to receive the benefits of temperate winters. So you’re saying to mulch now, not after the first frost date (October 1-15, in my zone, 8b)? And that will prolong this year’s flowering season?

    1. Hi Karen,
      I would add mulch or mowed up leaves (that’s what I use, and they have much of the same benefits of mulch) before the first hard frost. I do this for my most vulnerable and sensitive plants to protect them from the winters cold. It has saved my dahlias, bulbs and other plants when we have had exceptionally cold winters and frost. I do not start doing this until the leaves start falling to the ground. You have plenty of time. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  2. These are perfect tips! I tend to neglect fall cleanup and always regret it! If you have time I would love to have you link up at Embracing Home and Family!

    1. Thank you Stacy! I’m loving your garden too! So glad you are growing dahlias now! Sedum Autumn Joy is over of my favorites!

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