Shiplap and Shells – Weekly Wrap Up

A weekly collection of ideas, tips and inspiration.

What’s Going on in the World of Shiplap and Shells

I have been enjoying some INSIDE garden therapy once again, by planning which flowers I will be planting in my 2021 cut flower garden. I bought my flower seeds last Tuesday, and am so excited for spring! I’m continuing to plan where I’ll be growing my many varieties of blooms in my garden.

If you missed any of my many garden 2020 posts, I’ve got you covered! You can read My Cottage Garden Year in Review here.

This is the first upcycle project I’ve done in quite awhile. My husband paid $5.00 for it at a garage sale, and when he brought it home, I told him he paid too much for it! See what a little glue and paint can do.

I’m still working on taking down the rest of the holiday decor and transitioning to winter. I hope to have everything done by the end of the weekend. Have you put away your holiday decor? Are you already clean and organized?

What I’m Working on for Next Week:

I’ll be sharing some ideas for planning your garden. I’m working on a post about our kitchen renovation project with before and after pictures. And I’ll share how I transitioned my home from holiday to winter ( yes, I know. I’m super late in sharing this). Better late than never!

In Case You Missed It…

Creating a Cottage Garden

I’d love to hear from you! Leave me a comment and let me know what you’d like to see on the blog! Thank you for being here. It means the world.

Wishing you much peace and love,


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  1. So good to hear from you!
    It’s only January but I would love to plant some spring flowers around my old hay rake in my yard! Think it would be really pretty for spring! Is now the time to plants seeds?
    Thanks for all the other ideas also!
    Have a great day

    1. Seeds you are planting directly into the garden can be planted after your last frost date. I’m starting sweet peas first, which are about 10 weeks before the last frost date and planted inside. Thanks for visiting Margie.

  2. Your back yard is absolutely stunning! What an amazing water view. I also love your cozy cottage!

  3. I just can’t get over your lovely view my friend. I totally am ready to take a gardening class from you too 🙂 Thank you so very much for the feature friend, I truly appreciate it. I always love reading what you’re up too. Sending hugs

    1. Hi Chas! Miss you! Thanks for visiting, as you can see, it takes me just a little while to respond to your sweet comments. Hope you had a wonderful week, and have great plans for the weekend!

  4. Really enjoying your site. Thanks for sharing! We have a beautiful 10 year old Cottage Garden here on the north coast of California. BUT unexpectedly got a new golden retreiver puppy…..HELP 80% of my plants are toxic!!!!! So now what do I do??? Foxglove, sweetpeas, dahlia and all the typical plants are a daily battle. Hope you can give some hints on what to do next.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. So, I’ve been doing a lot of research on this and have come up with a few ideas. I’m hoping to write a blog about this topic next week. Stay tuned!

    1. Thank you Ann. It only took me a week to respond! You could say I need to work on my organizational skills.

  5. Oh your garden and home photos always make me sigh, Kim! I can’t wait to see what seeds you got! Thank you so much for sharing my chocolate chip cookies – I hope you get a chance to make them and let me know what you think! Also hope you have the same lovely sun we have this morning! LOVE all your gorgeous inspiration – thanks again and Happy Saturday!

  6. I enjoy these wrap up posts! I was just casually clicking through your links while I nursed the baby. I gasped out loud in surprise when I clicked on the cleaning schedule one! Thank you for sharing my post! Also, you inspire me to start planning for my Spring garden!

    1. I’m so glad! I should do a better job contacting the bloggers I share, but I tend to wait until the last minute to write these! Loved all your tips. Thanks for being here!

  7. I am somewhat new to your blog and really enjoy reading it. Thank you for your wonderful photos and write-ups!

  8. Nothing on my Floret wish list seems to be in stock =(. School started back this week so I couldn’t be online when they opened and order at that time. Hoping things will restock! I am looking forward to seeing your garden grow.

    1. That’s so sad. I’m sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case every year now. They have become so popular. I do hope you’ve given them your email to be notified when they get more seeds in stock. Crossing my fingers!

  9. One of my favorite posts of the week, Kim! I always learn so much with all the tips and tricks you share. I’m super excited to follow along on your garden this year too. Those seed packets were pretty enough to frame 🙂 Hugs and happy weekend, CoCo

    1. Thank you CoCo! I’m so appreciative of you visiting! It’s always fun to share other blogger’s posts each week. I am looking forward to sharing yours tomorrow.

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