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June Gardening Tips and To-Dos for the Pacific Northwest Region

June is here, bringing gorgeous garden blooms and signaling that summer is right around the corner. In the Pacific Northwest region, there are plenty of gardening tasks and tips to keep in mind. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, I’ve got some June gardening tips and to-dos for your Pacific Northwest garden.

The days are not only getting warmer but they’re also getting longer. June is the last month of spring and there’s still plenty on the to-do list when it comes to keeping your garden healthy and beautiful.

vintage bile with annual flowers at sunset June gardening

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I’m a self-taught hobby gardener, not a Master Gardener. Everything I share with you on my blog is my personal opinion and things that worked for me along the way.

June garden blooms

As a gardener in the PNW, it’s easy to appreciate the unique growing conditions that our region has to offer.

The Pacific Northwest is known for its mild maritime climate. For the most part, we experience cooler summers, mild winters, and consistent rainfall throughout the year.

This makes the Pacific Northwest the perfect growing environment for a wide variety of plants, with a longer growing season compared to other parts of the country.

Because of the abundant rainfall in the Pacific Northwest, proper drainage and soil composition are important factors to consider when gardening.

Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. Raised beds, well-draining soil, and strategic plant placement can help prevent waterlogging and keep your garden’s growing conditions optimal.

My vegetable starts in the raised bed picket fence garden for June.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these June “gardening by month” tips will help your garden thrive in the summer months. My tips are based on hardiness zone 8b so be sure to check your own gardening zone and make the necessary adjustments to this month’s timeline.

Keep reading for my best June gardening tips for the Pacific Northwest.

growing tomato plants

June Vegetable Garden Planting

Can you plant fruits and vegetables in June? Yes, you can still plant certain fruits and vegetables in June, depending on your specific location and climate.

Mid-June is an ideal time to start planting fall and winter crops. You can also direct seed your summer crops, but it’s important to do it soon.

Consider planting the following in your Pacific Northwest vegetable gardens in June:

  • Beans
  • Cucumbers
  • Onions – green onions and overwintering leeks can be sown. Chives and garlic chives can be started for next year’s harvest.
  • Summer & Winter Squash
  • Melon
  • Root Vegetables
  • A last crop of potatoes
  • Corn
  • Salad Greens
  • Swiss Chard
  • Herbs – fennel, dill, chives, cilantro, basil, parsley, mint, oregano, and marjoram.

Plant tomatoes and eggplant when night-time temperatures have warmed up, and the soil temperature is above 60 degrees.

The end of June and early July is a good time to start seeds and plant transplants if you are going to grow a fall vegetable garden.

purple petunias and yellow marigolds in the June garden

June Flower Garden Planting: Perennials

There are still plenty of perennials you can plant in the Pacific Northwest in the month of June.

The local nurseries or garden centers should still have a supply of perennials to choose from. Some favorites are Daylilies (Hemerocallis), Coneflowers (Echinacea), Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia), Shasta Daisies, Lavender (Lavandula), Russian Sage, and Astilbe.

June Flower Garden Planting: Annuals

The month of June is still a great planting time for colorful annuals to add a pop to your garden. Consider planting annuals like cosmos, nasturtiums, sunflowers, and petunias for vibrant summer blooms.

My June garden doesn’t seem to have a lot of perennials blooming right now, so planting annuals helps to bring color and fill in any spaces in the garden right now. Annuals can make an impact when planting in flower containers and window boxes.

June garden and greenhouse overlooking the Puget Sound

The month of June is a transition period for the Pacific Northwest.

This is the month that usually shifts from the rainy season to drier and sunnier days. While the frequency of rainfall may decrease, the soil will still retain moisture from previous months, providing essential hydration to plants.

Make Sure Your Plants are Getting Enough Water

Be sure that your plants receive the right amount of water during the warmer months. It’s important to strike a balance between watering, and being aware of changing weather conditions.

Gardeners can adjust their irrigation systems to accommodate the reduced rainfall, ensuring plants receive the right amount of moisture without overwatering.

If you have an irrigation system check it to make sure it’s in good working order. Test and run each system manually, for at least five minutes, to make sure there are no leaks or repairs that may be needed.

foxgloves along the white picket garden fence in June

Newly planted trees and shrubs should be watered deeply every week or two until consistent rainfall in the fall season.

Provide about an inch of water per week to your flowers and shrubs. As early potatoes begin to die back, reduce watering. Change the water regularly in the birdbaths.

Soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems are a great way to water plants in your flower gardens deeply.

yellow daffodils in the June garden

Divide Plants

What does the term “dividing perennials” mean?

Dividing perennials is a gardening technique that separates larger plants into smaller clumps and transplants them in different locations.

This is usually done when the plants in your garden have outgrown their space or become too large to manage.

If you hear the gardening terms dividing and splitting, they are essentially the same technique.

You can still divide perennials that aren’t early summer bloomers. Dividing perennials after blooming like primroses, can give you more plants in other areas of your garden.

It’s a good idea to divide daffodil clusters every few years to prevent overcrowding and for better blooming.

geraniums in a flower container

Pinch Your Annuals

There’s a simple garden technique called pinching that can create fuller, bushier plants, more blooms, and longer cut flower stems.

Cosmos, zinnias, dahlias, sweet peas, snapdragons, and other cut flowers benefit from pinching the central stem of the plant when they’re young, encouraging the plant to produce new side branches of a bushier plant and more blooms throughout the growing season.

Annuals like fuchsias, geraniums, and cosmos should be pinched back after they start to wilt and die off to prevent them from getting leggy.

Pink clematis spring blooms with the greenhouse in the background.

Prune and Deadhead

Snap off old flower heads from rhododendrons to redirect energy to the plant. Be careful not to injure new branches that may be emerging beneath the spent blooms.

Cut back azaleas by removing the outermost inch of new growth for bushier plants. Prune spring-blooming shrubs and trees, such as lilacs and crab apples, after they finish blooming.

Stop cutting asparagus and rhubarb at the end of the month, so they can rejuvenate for the next year.

You can prune evergreens anytime until late summer.

fuchsia clematis

Vines like clematis, honeysuckle, and jasmine tend to become out of control this time of year. Try to cut back, train, or tie new shoots to the trellis or structure.

Deadhead spent blooms regularly to encourage continuous flowering.

spent spring bulb foliage

Spring Bulb Maintenance

Remove leaves from tulips, daffodils, and other spring-flowering bulbs once they turn brown and easily come out of the ground.

Dig up spring bulbs that did not grow well this season.

*Did you know that most tulips and hyacinths last only about 2-3 years?

rhododendrons and azaleas overlooking the greenhouse

Fertilizing and Feeding Your Pacific Northwest Garden in June

Feed your roses with bone meal for added calcium and protection from insects. Fertilize flowering shrubs such as rhododendrons and azaleas.

Replace decomposed compost or mulch to maintain moisture and control weeds.

fuchsia roses

Weeding and Pest Control

Try to keep pulling any weeds as soon as they sprout to keep them from getting out of control. If you don’t have the time to spend quality time out in the garden, at least cut the weed heads off so they don’t go to seed.

Preventive pest management is one of the most important garden chores to keep your plants from being damaged by insect pests.

  • Provide adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, as well as pruning and removing dead or diseased areas of the plant.
  • Plant a variety of species that attract beneficial insects to act as natural predators to pests.
  • Regularly inspect plants for signs of infestation, such as chewed leaves or discoloration.
  • Use organic pest control methods like neem oil or insecticidal soaps to manage infestations while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

Roses can be a major challenge in the garden with black spots. If your roses have black spot-infected areas, remove them to prevent spreading. Spray roses with insecticidal soap to eliminate aphids, mites, and thrips.

Pick caterpillars off plants by hand. Drop them in a bucket of soapy water, or toss them out where the birds can get them.


Continue with your slug and snail control. Slugs are in full force this time of year. Plants that are most susceptible to slugs, such as marigolds, hostas, dahlias, and zinnias, can all benefit from slug bait.

I use Sluggo in my garden, which is pet and wildlife-safe. However, there are more natural alternatives available as well.

Greenhouse view as Jax hangs out.

Try to take some time every day to walk the garden. It’s a great time to…

  • pull up any weeds that pop up
  • cut back any spent flowers
  • inspect garden beds for pests and diseases
  • prune spring-blooming shrubs

Walking the garden as a daily routine is one the easiest ways to keep up with your gardening tasks, and it won’t seem as overwhelming.

Keeping notes throughout the season will help you when it comes time to start planning next year’s garden, You’ll be able to remember the critical issues that need to be addressed going forward.

inside greenhouse summer view

This is a great time to clean out your greenhouse or potting shed if you have one. Discard any dead or diseased plants. Clean pots and containers are necessary to control greenhouse pests.

new seedling growth in June garden

Transplant these summer crops starts as soon as possible.

  • basil and most herbs
  • corn
  • cucumbers
  • eggplant
  • melons
  • peppers
  • summer and winter squash
  • tomato plants

Sow the following seeds directly into the soil.

  • beans
  • beets
  • carrots
  • collards
  • corn
  • parsnips
  • scallions
  • leeks
  • swill chard
  • pumpkins
  • radishes
vintage bike and basket filled with flowers on garden path
  • creeping zinnia
  • butterfly flower
  • cosmos
  • nasturtiums
  • sunflowers
  • petunias
  • calendula
  • coneflower (echinacea)
lavender in the garden

You can still plant perennials before the heat of summer in June but it’s important to choose plant varieties that will establish successfully. Remember that new plants need a lot of care after planting them in your garden. Be sure to water the newly planted perennial deeply and add organic matter to the soil.

  • Daylilies
  • Coneflowers
  • Black-eyed Susans
  • Shasta Daisies
  • Lavender
  • Russian Sage
  • Astilbe
Bachelor's Button

Ideally, wildflower seeds are sown in the late fall to early spring when growing conditions are more favorable for germination and establishing them in the garden.

However, if you’ve missed the spring planting window, you can still try sowing wildflowers seed in June. Select wildflower varieties that are known to have success with late-season sowing or have fast germination and growth.

Some options would be cornflower, California poppy, bachelor’s buttons, and annual lupine.

orange and fuchsia zinnias

You can still plant annuals in your June garden, especially if you choose fast-growing varieties that have a shorter time to mature. Examples are zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers, cosmos, and nasturtiums. These plants establish quickly and can catch up in growth during the warmer months.

turquoise garden fairy and cottage garden

By following these June gardening tips for the Pacific Northwest region, you can ensure a thriving and beautiful garden throughout the summer months.

I hope these tips are useful when you’re in the garden for the month of June. Is the weather warming up for you? Get out there and enjoy some garden therapy!

If you have any questions or have a message, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may find these gardening tips useful.

Until next time,

Happy Gardening!

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Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LIKEtoKNOW.it. Do you like gardening? Join my Facebook Gardening Tips & Tricks group.

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  1. These tips are very helpful Kim! Although I don’t live in the Pacific Northwest region, I really appreciate these gardening posts that you have made. I love the pictures and I also shared some of your posts with my friends. <3

  2. Thank you so much Rachelle! That is such a sweet compliment. And yes, the PNW is such a wonderful place for gardening! I do love gardening with this amazing view!

  3. Kim, I adore you potager and garden shed – and that view, walking out and seeing the water every day would make me feel like I was in heaven. Your zone is perfect for growing so many beautiful things.

    1. Thank you so much Rachelle! That is such a sweet compliment. And yes, the PNW is such a wonderful place for gardening! I do love gardening with this amazing view!

  4. Most of these tips work for me too even though I’m across the pond! Great idea to make a note of the changes you want to make in the garden – I try to do that but don’t always get around to it. Your Rhododendrons are so beautiful Kim – we can’t grow them because our soil is alkaline so I’ll just crush on yours instead! Hope you are having a lovely week!

    1. Thank you Jayne! Soil is everything, isn’t it? I am saying goodbye to my rhododendrons now. They do not last as long as I would like. Thank you for visiting. I really appreciate it!

  5. I’m in a totally different zone, Kim, but I love these gardening posts with all the tips and tricks. It’s so inspiring to see all the different colors and plant combinations you put together. Every bloom is looks like it should be in a magazine! Hugs, CoCo

    1. You are so sweet CoCo. I really appreciate the compliment. I am inspired by your blog as well. It is truly one of my favorites!

    1. That’s so nice of you Barbara, Thank you! I probably need his help with roses. I can’t seem to stop the black spot, no matter how hard I try!

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