Here Are a Few of My Favorite Things

I just had to share one more holiday post with you for the year. Here are a few of my favorite things.

It had to be done!

I was so close to putting Christmas and the holiday season to bed for the year, but I just couldn’t do it until I shared some of my favorite holiday things with you first.

Christmas tree with dried oranges and berries

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vintage books and trees

If you know anything about me, you certainly know that I am a vintage nut. Give me anything vintage. Especially these vintage books. Aren’t they beautiful???

I have been looking everywhere for vintage books, and now I have some. They are perfect for the vintage cottage style that I so love!

I love my newest purchase…these bottle brush trees. Bottlebrush trees are an obsession. And have them all over the house.

Dried oranges and berries on Christmas tree

This is one of my favorite spots in my home. And I don’t share it very often, it’s my office and outside those windows are the best water views in the house.

There are so many of my favorite things all bundled up here in one special space.

Twinkle lights are one of my favorite things. Not just during the holidays, but all year round. I keep my garden and greenhouse bistro lights up 365 days a year.

Homemade Gingerbread Antique Candle Co.

I had my Antique Candle Co. candles lit throughout the holidays, making my home smell like gingerbread, a Christmas tree farm, apple cider, pecan pie, pumpkin spice, peppermint and so much more!

dried oranges, plaid ornaments and berries

Everyone was doing it this year! I couldn’t believe how many dried orange slices there were. On Pinterest, Instagram, and blogs, they were everywhere.

So I dried some orange slices of my own. I put them on the Christmas trees.

garland with fried oranges on mantel

Don’t they look great hanging from the garland? You can see more views in this Christmas bedroom blog post.

dried oranges with greenery and pinecones
magnolia wreath and dried oranges

And I added them to my magnolia wreath. This wreath is one of my favorite things too!

family with dogs

My pups are some of my favorite things! Jax is my 5-year-old black terrier/Havanese mix. At least we think he is, we don’t know for sure. Lucy is our 14-year-old mini dachshund. And we have a new member of the family…


Meet Ollie! This little sweetheart was brought home on Christmas Eve, our Havanese puppy. He plays hard and sleeps hard. His hobbies are chewing, sleeping, and going potty. That’s about it right now.

holding the puppy
Little Ollie and me

It took Jax 5 days to finally accept Ollie and they are now playmates. There was some serious jealousy. Lucy tolerates both her brothers but only loves her mama. She sleeps in her many beds around the house all day. And she loves treats. She doesn’t do anything for them, but she’s cute, so there’s that.

Shop My Holiday Home Decor Favorites

Shop my favorite online holiday home decor items from Christmas trees and stockings to candles and pillows.

Christmas trees with ornaments and twinkle lights

When you have a small house, small Christmas trees are usually some of your favorite things. Some are decorated, some have twinkle lights, and some are just “naked”.

tree in crock
Christmas greenhouse

We don’t have much of a front porch, so I decorate both sides of the greenhouse for the holidays.

Christmas greenhouse in sunset

There are those bistro lights, another favorite thing.

Christmas greenhouse with vintage bike

Our neighbor gave her vintage bike to us last summer. I didn’t do too much to decorate it for Christmas this year, but hope to do her up right next year.

Shop My Kitchen Favorites for Holiday Entertaining

Check out my favorite kitchen and tabletop items for all your holiday entertaining and baking needs

Christmas tablescape

And last but not least, this whimsical tablescape was one of my favorite things for Christmas.

Christmas tablescape

The dishware and platters are perfect for my home. I fell in love with the color palette. Mini and bottle brush trees were added to the table for the centerpiece.

Thank you so much for sharing the holiday season with me and visiting my blog. I’m already thinking of the fun things I can do for next year.

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with anyone who may enjoy this blog post.

Until next time,

Happy New Year!

A few of my Favorite Things

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Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Do you like gardening? Join my Facebook Gardening Tips & Tricks group.

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  1. Kim, I really love your holiday decorations, particularly the orange slices on both the magnolia wreath and little trees (LOVE them); also the greenhouse, all decked out. It’s all so cozy and warm and I know the cottage smells divine. And the pups!! Little Ollie is the best Christmas gift. Glad Jax has accepted him. Lucy is being a ‘girl’ so we understand her ??.

    1. Thank you so much Barb! Yes, Lucy does beat to her own drum. She cannot be bothered with those boys. I appreciate all your sweet compliments and wish you the very best new year. Thank you for visiting!

  2. How fun reading about your favorite things! You have a beautiful home inside and out! I love vintage items, too, and your vintage bike is amazing! Ollie, Jax and Lucy are adorable! Happiest New Year, Kim!!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Kim. So glad to have found your blog, I’m having so much fun checking it all out. Happy New Year!

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